3 Top Tips for Staying Safe on the Internet

Are humans really the weakest link in Cyber Security
Are humans really the weakest link in Cyber Security

You might be an adult, and you may have been accessing the web for nearly 20 years at this point, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re always going to be safe online. The moment you get complacent when it comes to cybersecurity is the moment you open the floodgates for a potential cyber-attack. If you don’t ever wish to be blighted by this plight, it’s recommended that you heed the following advice.

 Here are three things you can do to stay safe on the Internet:

Access reputable websites

The websites that you access will have a profound effect on your ability to remain safe on the Internet. Should you visit dangerous or easy-to-compromise sites on a regular basis, the probability of you being targeted by a cybercriminal sooner rather than later will drastically increase. When this unfortunate event does, in fact, take place, you will just have to hope that your cybersecurity package is robust enough to fend off the attack.

Want to cut this problem out at the source? If so, it’s advised that you make a conscious effort to only ever access reputable websites. If you are a keen online casino player, this will entail you accessing a reputable, reliable, and trustworthy site such as Lucky Nugget Casino. On this platform, you will be able to play online pokies NZ without having to worry about third parties spying on the deposits and/or withdrawals that you make.

Limit your personal information

Whenever you submit your personal information to a website, you ever so slightly increase the likelihood of your data being breached by a hacker. Should the site that you submit your info to ever become compromised, you could end up being on the receiving end of a scam or even identity fraud. To lower the likelihood of this happening, you are advised to limit the amount of personal information you submit via the web.

Set strong passwords

To actively increase your web security, it’s highly recommended that you resolve to set strong passwords each time you sign up for a new service on the Internet. By creating unique, difficult-to-crack passphrases, you will make it more difficult for hackers to guess their way into your private accounts. Ultimately, this will help you keep your data shielded from prying eyes.

Have you been guilty in the past of using the same simple passwords over and over again? If you’re seriously upping your cybersecurity measures, this is a habit that you are advised to break — pronto! When you take on the challenge of setting better passphrases, try putting the following advice into practice:

  1. Avoid using sequential letters or numbers
  2. Never include easy-to-access information (your date of birth, your address, your family name, etc.)
  3. Be sure to use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols (even when you aren’t prompted to do so)
  4. Try to include at least eight digits
  5. Combine unrelated words
  6. Substitute certain letters with appropriate numbers (0 for o, 1 for l, 4 for h, etc.)
  7. Make use of a reputable password manager solution
  8. Most importantly, stop reusing your old passwords!
Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas is the Co-founder and Chief Business Development Officer at Cybers Guards. Prior to that, She was responsible for leading its Cyber Security Practice and Cyber Security Operations Center, which provided managed security services.