Cyber Security Engineer Salary

Cyber Security Salary in India For Freshers & Experienced

Cyber Security Salary in India: For Freshers & Experienced [2021]

Cyber Security has become a constant source of concern for all companies as the Internet and online activities become more widely adopted. According to one figure, one new company would be infected with ransomware every 11 seconds in 2021. According to a study by KSN (Kaspersky Security Network), India saw a 37 percent increase in cyber-attacks in the first quarter of 2020.

According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, India’s cybersecurity market is expected to expand at a pace of one and a half times that of the global market, from USD 1.97 billion in 2019 to USD 3.05 billion in 2022.

What is Cyber Security?

While physical security protects facilities and objects in the real world, cybersecurity protects information systems and data. Cybersecurity is the practice of safeguarding servers, computers, electronic systems, networks, mobile devices, and data from malicious electronic attacks. It’s aimed to protect assets from malicious codes and logins and is applied in a broad range of contexts, from mobile computing to businesses.

Read complete details about what is cybersecurity?

Common Categories of Cyber Security

The following are some of the most popular types of cybersecurity.

Types of Cyber Security 

    1. Application Security is concerned with identifying and correcting vulnerabilities in application code in order to make apps more secure.
    2. Network security- aims to protect corporate networks from intrusions such as malware or targeted attackers by preventing and detecting intrusions.
    3. Operational security refers to the procedures and decisions used to safeguard and manage data assets. It includes user permissions for network access as well as the policies that govern how data can be stored and exchanged in a secure manner.
    4. Information security protects the integrity and privacy of data while it is being stored and transmitted from one machine to another.
    5. End-User Education – By failing to follow safe security practises, anyone can unintentionally introduce a cybersecurity threat such as a virus. End-user education, such as how to delete suspicious emails and avoid plugging in unidentified USB drives, is critical for ensuring corporate security.
    6. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity – It determines how a company reacts to a cybersecurity incident that causes data loss or service interruption and how it can restore its information and operations to return to the same operational capability as before the case. Business continuity refers to a company’s strategy for continuing to operate in the absence of specific resources.

Types of Cyber Security Threats

Cybersecurity is under attack from three directions.

    • Cybercrime – consists of groups or individuals attempting to disrupt networks.
    • Cyber-attack – Information gathering for political purposes.
    • By disrupting computer infrastructure, cyber-terrorism aims to trigger panic or fear.

The methods used to compromise cybersecurity are listed below.

    1. Malware – is the most common form of cyber-attack, in which a hacker uses malicious software to damage the machine of a legitimate user. Malware is often spread through a seemingly legitimate download or an unsolicited email attachment. They are usually done to make money, but they may also be done for political reasons. Malware comes in several forms, including Trojans, viruses, ransomware, spyware, botnets, and adware.
    2. Phishing- is when a cybercriminal sends emails that appear to be from a legitimate organization and asks for private information such as credit card numbers or personal information. It is then used to deceive them in order to make money.
    3. SQL Injection – In this form of cyber-attack, a cybercriminal takes advantage of a flaw in data-driven applications to inject malicious code into a database using a malicious SQL statement in order to gain control of the database and steal data.
    4. A cybercriminal- uses a denial-of-service attack to prevent a device from responding to legitimate requests. It floods the networks and servers with data, rendering the device inoperable. It makes it impossible for a company to manage its core functions.
    5. Man-in-the-middle attack – A cybercriminal intercepts contact between two entities in order to steal information.
    6. Cybersecurity Frameworks – A cybersecurity framework is a collection of policies and procedures that a company may use to develop and update its cybersecurity strategy. Different cybersecurity organizations and government agencies develop these systems, which act as guidelines for companies looking to improve their cybersecurity. They include step-by-step instructions for implementing a five-step cybersecurity process.
    7. Identify – Make a list of the organization’s most vulnerable properties.
    8. Protect – Ensure that all necessary maintenance is completed in order to keep data and assets secure.
    9. Detect – Look for breaches and intrusions.
    10. Respond – In the event of a breach, you must respond.
    11. Recover – Recover from any data, system, financial, or reputational damage caused by the attack.

Cyber Security Skill Gap

Aside from the rising demand for cybersecurity professionals, the industry is experiencing a severe shortage of appropriately trained individuals capable of filling the growing number of cybersecurity roles. According to a 2019 NASSCOM report, India will require approximately one million expert cyber professionals by 2020.

Read more details about cybersecurity jobs

Despite having the world’s largest IT talent pool, India currently has a severe shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals. Because of the scarcity, businesses are willing to pay a premium for cybersecurity professionals. According to some estimates, the average salary for cybersecurity experts in India has increased to INR. The total number of people is 8.8 lakh.

Cyber Security Jobs and Salaries in India

The following are some of the cybersecurity positions with the highest wage increases.

1. Network Security Engineer

Every company needs someone in this role. This individual is in charge of defending the organization’s assets against threats and must have excellent organizational, technological, and communication skills.

The job entails a focus on quality management within the IT infrastructure, which includes developing, constructing, and protecting scalable, stable, and robust systems, as well as assisting the business in identifying advanced cyber threats, working on operational data center systems and networks, and assisting in the development of robust strategies to protect the organizational structure. They’re also in charge of routers, firewalls, switches, VPNs, and other network management equipment.

A network security engineer’s annual salary ranges from INR 4 lakhs to INR 8 lakhs.

2. Cyber Security Analyst

An IT security analyst, security analyst, information system security analyst, or data security analyst are all terms used to describe a cybersecurity analyst. The main responsibilities of this person are to prepare, execute, and upgrade security controls and measures. Maintaining data, monitoring security access, and protecting information systems and digital files from unauthorized access, modification, and destruction are all part of the job description.

A security analyst’s responsibilities include managing a network, implementing intrusion detection and prevention mechanisms, conducting internal and external security audits, and analyzing security breaches to identify the source of the problem. The individual is also in charge of establishing, managing, and enforcing corporate security policies, as well as coordinating security plans with outside vendors. In addition, the individual is in charge of educating other staff on security protocols by observing best practices to prevent security breaches.

A cybersecurity analyst’s starting salary is INR. In the range of 5 to 6 lakhs per annum.

3. Security Architect

A security architect is responsible for designing an organization’s machine and network security architecture. This person assists with security element research, planning, and development. The person creates a proposal based on the company’s requirements, then collaborates with the programming team to construct the final structure.

A security analyst is expected to develop organizational procedures and policies regarding how employees should use security systems, as well as decide on punitive actions in the event of any lapses, in addition to planning the architecture. As a result, the employee is required to have a thorough understanding of the company’s technology and information requirements.

A security architect’s annual salary starts at INR. Between 17 and 22 lakhs.

4. Cyber Security Manager

A cybersecurity manager develops Internet and network security solutions for a variety of initiatives. This person is in charge of ensuring that security procedures are followed in the enterprise and oversees a team of IT professionals to ensure that the highest levels of data security are met. The person is required to review current security measures on a regular basis to ensure that they are updated to reflect emerging threats.

Furthermore, the individual conducts routine checks on all servers, routers, switches, and other connected devices to ensure that the security system is free of flaws. In addition, the individual will be responsible for hiring new staff, preparing and overseeing budgets, and evaluating and procuring new security technologies and resources.

A cybersecurity manager’s average annual compensation is INR. The sum is 12 lakhs.

5. Officer in Charge of Information Security (CISO)

A C-level management executive, the CISO is also known as the CSO (Chief Security Officer). According to a PWC survey, 80 percent of companies now have a CISO on their management team. A CISO is in charge of a company’s IT protection department and its employees. To protect the organization’s information assets, this individual is in charge of directing and managing activities, plans, and budgets.

To ensure that there are no security violations, a CISO works with the team to define, create, enforce, and manage organization-wide processes. The individual will be responsible for responding to incidents and developing adequate controls and standards to minimize security risks while ensuring business continuity.

A CISO’s average annual wage is Rs. 23 LPA.

6. Ethical hackers

Ethical hackers are in charge of detecting security bugs and protecting companies from malicious hackers. To ensure that their hacking activities are legal and legitimate, they operate with the permission of the organizations in which they work.

They’re in charge of breaking into computer systems and networks to quickly identify and fix computer security flaws, as well as reverse engineering, application analysis, protocol analysis, malware analysis, and debugging. Some ethical hackers have prior IT experience and obtain certification from the International Council of E-Commerce Consultants as a Certified Ethical Hacker.

An ethical hacker’s annual pay ranges from INR 5 lakhs to INR 6 lakhs.

Read more details about cybers security industries salary

How do you go about pursuing a career in cybersecurity?

A cybersecurity career is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after career opportunities, thanks to the high demand for cybersecurity professionals and the lucrative salaries they give. If you want to work in this field, a PG Diploma in Software Development Specialization in Cyber Security from upGrad and IIIT-B will help. Application security, cryptography, data secrecy, and network security are among the specializations available.

This 12-month fully online course also includes live lectures. The course teaches you six programming languages and techniques and is taught by world-class faculty members and industry experts. The course also includes three guaranteed work interviews and a dedicated student performance coach, in addition to 360-degree career support such as a job fair, mock interviews, and more.

In addition to theoretical expertise, the course includes over 7 case studies and projects that provide you with much-needed hands-on experience. At the end of the program, you’ll complete a capstone project to demonstrate your understanding and skills.

The course is for IT and technology professionals, data professionals, IT and technical project leaders and managers, testing professionals, and Java and other coding professionals, and it prepares you for a variety of cybersecurity domain roles, such as cybersecurity engineers, cybersecurity specialists, and software developers. Attending the course requires a Bachelor’s degree, but no previous coding experience is necessary.

Melina Richardson
Melina Richardson is a Cyber Security Enthusiast, Security Blogger, Technical Editor, Certified Ethical Hacker, Author at Cybers Guards. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.