What is Cyber Security?

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Cyber security refers to the range of technologies, processes and practices employed to defend systems, networks, programs and devices against attack. It is commonly known as information technology security.

Government, military, corporate and medical organizations collect, process and store voluminous amounts of sensitive data on computers and other devices; any exposure of this private information could have devastating repercussions.


Cybersecurity refers to the practice of protecting hardware, software and data from malicious attacks. Individuals and organizations rely on cybersecurity practices such as anti-virus protection, firewalls, password management tools and two-factor authentication to guard against identity theft, data breaches or financial losses that could occur without authorization. Cybersecurity encompasses numerous activities and frameworks such as anti-virus protection, firewalls, password management tools and two-factor authentication – not forgetting securing mobile devices like smartphones and tablets against phishing attacks, ransomware threats or other threats that might threaten networks, systems or applications from threats such as phishing attacks or ransomware threats or any other threats posed by other threats posed by the internet – it all adds up!

Modern life has grown increasingly reliant on technology, thanks to modern conveniences such as near-instant Internet connectivity, home automation technology and concepts such as the Internet of Things (IoT). But as people rely on these devices more and more heavily, cyberattacks have increased both in frequency and severity.

Hackers, attackers and intruders are the primary perpetrators of cybersecurity breaches. These individuals usually exploit flaws in computer systems or software in order to gain unauthorized access – whether for fun and mischief purposes or the desire to steal information, money or power – their motivations range from seeking mischief and entertainment all the way up to serious theft of information or power – hackers can be found throughout society; hobbyists, vandals, thrill seekers activists even state-sponsored attackers may all engage in these practices.

Cyber security’s primary goal is to safeguard all aspects of technology – from personal computers and mobile phones to servers, networks, and databases – from any possible threats. A successful cyber attack could compromise an organization’s confidentiality, integrity and availability of their data resulting in financial losses, disruptions of operations or reputation damage.

Some attacks may be obvious; others can be more sophisticated and difficult to spot. Hackers could, for instance, install keyloggers and spyware to steal information, as well as covert listening devices like wireless microphones to listen in on conversations. Furthermore, attackers could take advantage of vulnerabilities in operating systems by altering them in ways that allow rogue programs and bypass security measures.

Malware, ransomware and DDoS attacks are some of the most frequent cyberattacks. Malware includes viruses, worms, botnet software, remote access Trojans (RATs), rootkits and bootkits which infiltrate computer systems and gain control. Other cyberattacks may include formjacking – injecting code into online forms to collect sensitive information; cryptojacking – installing illegal cryptocurrency mining software onto computers – as well as DNS (domain name system) poisoning attacks which redirect users to malicious websites.


Cyber security protects computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems and networks against cyber attacks such as hacks, threats, phishing scams, identity theft and data breaches. It includes services and solutions such as firewalls, antivirus software and anti-malware programs to guard information against being stolen or lost.

Cybersecurity is increasingly important as our society becomes more dependent on technology and data. Organizations collect, process and store massive amounts of data that is valuable to criminals – data breaches may result in loss of personal data, financial losses or damage to a company’s reputation.

Some of the most prevalent cybersecurity risks include ransomware extortion, data theft and breaches, attacks on critical infrastructure (like power stations or hospitals), cyber warfare and digital spying. Cyber attacks pose an ever-increasing threat in an ever-more technologically connected world.

As cybersecurity has become a top priority of government agencies due to potential disruptions to national security and economic growth due to increasingly sophisticated attacks, cybersecurity specialists must remain aware of emerging threats and develop counter strategies in order to keep pace.

Maintaining cybersecurity can be an extremely difficult challenge for businesses, with hackers always coming up with innovative techniques of attack. Experts develop solutions to close holes in protection but criminals find ways around them. That is why businesses need a reliable partner on their cybersecurity journey who can provide continuous updates and monitoring of an ever-evolving landscape.

An effective cybersecurity strategy can help organizations decrease their risk of losing important data while increasing productivity and building trust with customers and investors, all key elements to business success. Data breaches can have serious repercussions for organizations, including customer churn rates decreasing and negative publicity affecting company sales; it is therefore imperative to invest in a cyber security strategy which protects sensitive information against external threats such as firewalls, encryption technologies or password-protected files to protect it against costly security breaches.


Cybersecurity refers to the practice of employing technology and processes that protect data, systems, networks, devices and other assets from being attacked or exploited by third-parties. Cybersecurity measures ensure any attacks are identified quickly so as to reduce financial loss, reputational harm and interruption to business as usual – which makes cyber security measures essential in today’s increasingly dependent world. It’s critical that every organization have effective cybersecurity measures in place especially as more businesses depend on IoT technologies like sensors.

Cyberattacks have evolved considerably over time, with hackers now targeting IoT devices, Linux systems and other essential infrastructure, leading to high-profile data breaches and ransomware attacks that threaten national security more than even terrorism could do. It’s estimated that cyber threats now pose the highest threat for national security compared to any other factor – surpassing even terrorist activities altogether.

Organizations now collect and store unprecedented volumes of data on computers, networks and other devices – data containing sensitive personal information as well as business documents containing intellectual property or financial records. Any breach in cyber security could have devastating repercussions for an organisation including fines imposed by data protection regulations like GDPR or DPA2018.

Proactive rather than reactive action is the best defense against security threats, with organisations taking measures to stop security incidents before they occur. This means implementing software, hardware and other security measures against threats like phishing, social engineering, malware and ransomware attacks; training employees about being alert for suspicious email attachments and URLs, warning signs or updates available as well as installing the most up-to-date versions of operating systems and software systems.

Prevention measures should encompass all technologies that attackers could gain access to, such as IoT devices, mobile phones and tablets, work-from-home policies, cloud services and VPNs. Furthermore, remote and hybrid workers who may not realize they’re taking any unnecessary risks when using personal devices for work purposes need to be considered too. A cybersecurity solution should detect vulnerabilities when they occur as well as provide alerts when they’re exploited, identify their source and offer guidance as to how it can be rectified.


With all the ways we rely on technology and the internet today, it is no wonder that cyber attacks are increasing. From entertainment (electronic gaming and social media), transportation (GPS devices), shopping (online credit card transactions), medical records and equipment maintenance to banking – everything relies on some form of electronic communication, making strong cybersecurity measures necessary to prevent attacks against these systems.

Threat actors, hackers or cybercriminals carry out these cyberattacks through identifying vulnerabilities within computer systems in order to gain entry and steal or damage data ranging from patient health records to confidential business files – often leading to costly data breaches that cause both lost revenues and irreparable damage to reputations.

Cyber attacks can occur on any target: an individual computer, company network, cloud service provider or geographic region. Cyber attackers typically target particular industries or geographic regions. Manufacturing industries in particular are highly susceptible to attacks as their data contains sensitive build lists, trade secrets and proprietary processes which make them attractive targets. Other industries targeted include medical services retail outlets and public entities.

Businesses can take several steps to protect themselves against cyber attacks or breaches. Education of employees is key; this can be accomplished via in-person training sessions, webinars or online resources. Staff must learn to identify phishing emails, create strong passwords and not plug unidentified USB drives into computers.

Step two of protecting key assets requires installing technology solutions that safeguard them, such as endpoint protection or end-user security solutions that ensure individuals use appropriate hardware and software to safeguard their computers; such solutions might include anti-virus programs, firewalls and other technology-based safeguards.

As part of a comprehensive cybersecurity response strategy, it is equally vital to have a plan in place for responding to cyber incidents. This should involve assigning a team to respond as well as procedures for detecting and reporting threats. Furthermore, an ongoing monitoring and testing regime should be in place so as to quickly detect breaches and stop them in their tracks.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.