What is Data Logging?

What is Data Logging

Data Logging includes measuring, recording and analyzing it; this process is usually automated.

Standalone data loggers feature USB ports for quick and easy connection to computers for data extraction and viewing. Models equipped with internal or external sensors enable loggers to monitor conditions both locally and remotely.

Teachers love using data logging in the classroom to make science experiments repeatable and real time, giving students an opportunity to experience concepts rather than simply reading about them in books.


Data loggers are instruments designed to record data collected from sensors (input devices). There are various kinds of sensors on the market; some measure single values like temperature while others monitor multiple values such as temperature and humidity simultaneously. Some even come equipped with built-in control capabilities allowing them to activate or deactivate devices depending on specific events or conditions.

One key consideration when selecting a data logger is accuracy of measurement. Data logger accuracy can be defined as the minimal variance between repeated measurements; this can be measured using either standard deviation of mean (SDEM) or standard error of mean.

Another key element when selecting a data logging device is considering its number and type of input channels available. While most models feature fixed numbers of channels, others may allow additional channels to be added if necessary. Furthermore, it’s essential to consider storage options when making this decision – some models use non-volatile memory which will store measurement data even after losing power; other models store measurements as files on computers or networked devices.

Some data loggers offer real-time data monitoring and recording via WiFi or Ethernet connections for immediate alerting purposes, providing more accurate measurements than data collected at intervals. Real-time monitoring increases accountability within a supply chain and helps prevent accidents or product recalls. Temperature loggers, for instance, can help customers understand when food products in transit have temperatures outside their optimal ranges. Impact and vibration loggers increase accountability by tracking where goods have been shipped from their original point of origin; this allows companies to recover damaged shipping costs as well as improve customer satisfaction; it’s especially useful for retailers who ship through their stores instead of third-party logistics providers.


Data logging enables you to monitor changes over time in parameters such as temperature, humidity, light levels or pressure.

Battery powered electronic devices known as data loggers record measurements by taking readings at regular intervals ranging from once every few hours up to real-time, as well as being programmed as control mechanisms when conditions meet, such as turning lights or heaters on, activating gates at car parks barriers or simply sensing when buttons have been pressed.

Data loggers can use various sensors to measure their environment, such as analog inputs to track continuous changes, digital outputs which detect whether or not voltage is on, pulse inputs which count events and pulse inputs which detect soil moisture content. Data loggers may also be configured for complex analyses on their collected data using sophisticated computer models – even performing tasks such as weather forecasting.

Once a data logger has finished recording, its information can be uploaded onto a computer and presented in various ways – from simple line graphs showing one measurement over time or scatter diagrams which plot two measurements against each other to see if there is any correlation – to more advanced software analysis that looks for trends within the data and makes recommendations based on this knowledge; such as suggesting when best to water gardens or run heaters in buildings.

Data logged by data loggers can be invaluable in supply chains for high-value, temperature-sensitive or fragile goods that require strict monitoring along their journey. Supply chain stakeholders can instantly understand the conditions of their product while meeting compliance measures for sensitive sectors like pharmaceuticals.


Data loggers store information in nonvolatile memory for later download, enabling them to operate independent of computers as long as there is sufficient battery power available. There are different sizes and capacities of data loggers.

Some record as little as one reading per day while others can capture information up to several times every second. They come equipped with various battery power options and temperature settings to suit any application – they typically contain microprocessors, memory space and sensors.

Data logging can be best understood as being likened to an advanced thermometer; both measure temperature; however, its uses date back centuries. While thermometers only measure surface temperatures directly, data loggers record results over a longer timeframe to give insight into past conditions.

Data loggers differ from thermometers in that they don’t need human interaction to record data; instead they operate unattended. Their purpose is to record over extended periods in harsh or remote environments without anyone monitoring them; manufacturers therefore go the extra mile to ensure these units can run without needing recharged or experiencing other issues.

Data loggers can be invaluable tools for monitoring environmental conditions, industrial processes and scientific studies. Their sensors can track temperature, humidity, air quality, light levels and pressure – as well as provide invaluable real-time data collection capabilities.

Cold chain logistics solutions also utilize data logging solutions with cloud services to monitor vaccines and pharmaceutical products during transport, with 20% estimated biopharmaceutical goods damaged due to improper temperature controls during shipping. A data logging solution ensures correct temperatures are maintained throughout the supply chain.

Data logging’s greatest asset lies in its ability to pinpoint challenges and trends, helping stakeholders take corrective actions to enhance efficiency, performance and compliance. This can bring both short- and long-term benefits, such as cutting costs while simultaneously improving customer experiences or fulfilling regulatory and legislative requirements.


Data loggers offer an alternative to manual record keeping where observations must be manually entered and reviewed; they allow real-time monitoring of variables like sound frequencies, temperature variations, humidity changes, light intensities, soil moisture levels and voltage to track a variety of systems where human observation would otherwise be either impractical or impossible. They’re commonly employed for environmental monitoring, industrial process control research as well as shipping perishable goods or valuable artworks safely.

As businesses expand, so too do their number of systems and software that require being monitored and logged to ensure operations run efficiently and safely. Log analysis may reveal errors that were missed and prevent security breaches as well as allow faster responses times in case of active attacks.

However, as log volumes increase it becomes difficult to review them all manually. Much of the work involved with analyzing logs involves finding patterns which might not be immediately apparent from just looking at one or two sets of data – this is where machine learning and artificial intelligence come into play.

Machines have demonstrated time after time that they can do things much more quickly and more accurately than humans, including driving cars, recognizing images, detecting cyber threats and automating log analysis using machine learning. This capacity to handle large volumes of data makes it possible to automate this process with machine learning.

Businesses looking to reduce costs and cybersecurity breaches will find this technology immensely useful, as well as speed up processes to find production problems solutions faster. For instance, companies might normally wait days or even weeks before receiving new equipment to analyze its performance; using machine learning quickly interpret the logs will significantly shorten this timeline.

Profit and Loss statements provide a detailed account of the incomes and expenses incurred by businesses over time, in terms of incomes and expenses. A system’s log data acts similarly, by keeping track of each event that occurs in its IT infrastructure.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.