How does Effective Communication Strengthen Surveillance Efforts for Politician Visitors in Hotels?

Hotel Conference

For politicians to have a safe and private stay at a hotel, they need a team of surveillance experts. To deliver the goal of safety and privacy, a security team needs to have clear and effective communication. 

Moreover, they will employ different security and surveillance tactics and technology to achieve their goals. For instance, security teams should utilize countersurveillance, communication earpiece devices, and two-way radios. By using counter surveillance and communications technology, security teams will have an easier time protecting politicians when they are traveling and staying in hotels. 

The importance of effective communication in enhancing surveillance operations

Effective communication is of utmost importance when inside a surveillance operation. There are often multiple people who make up a surveillance team. With clear communication between team members, the individuals within the team can maintain awareness and carry out their respective tasks as necessary. 

Without effective communication, security teams are opening doors for mistakes. Communication enables teamwork. For instance, when in a hotel—if a politician is giving a speech—surveillance teams will want to keep an eye out for suspicious behavior in the crowd. By using clear communication and tools, if one team member sees an issue, within moments the whole team will be aware. 

Effective communication not only keeps the client (a politician) safe, but it also keeps the surveillance team and their efforts protected. 

Overview of Surveillance Efforts in Hotels

Surveillance in a hotel can differ from methods used in other settings. Often in a hotel setting, the space that needs to be secured is closed in yet has many exit and entry points. Moreover, hotels often foster large crowds, gatherings, and visitors that are in the area for varying reasons. 

Hotel Conference
Photo by Czapp Árpád:

Overall hotels are not easy to assess and secure for politicians; therefore, special measures like countersurveillance are often taken. Countersurveillance refers to the detection, identification, and surveillance of a person or group surveying your client. 

Countersurveillance techniques begin with the task of detection. This entails the politician’s surveillance team searching for different tools that may be watching or listening to their client. For instance, a surveillance team will want to look for bugs. This listening and watching technology is often very easy to conceal, making it impossible or at least a time intensive task to find a bug with the naked eye.

Most bugs will emit electromagnetic radiation using radio waves. Because the bugs use radio waves to transmit information, they can be detected by other radios. Bugs often operate on the FM spectrum because it is direct. For the best communication, receiver and transmitters should have an aerial length to match the frequency. 

Therefore, countersurveillance efforts can find a bug by using a log periodic aerial as this aerial can see the signal strength increase on the receivers display when the aerial is directed towards a bug. In addition to bugs, there are also physical ways security teams will use countersurveillance. They will often set up “choke points”; this phrase refers to when the team sets up points in a clients travel route to send updates to the team about the safety of the client. 

Choke points can apply to hotels when a politician is moving from their room to the conference areas or when going from a car outside to inside a hotel. During these movements, the team members need to communicate clearly with one another. However, they don’t want to be shouting private information to one another so technology like earpieces and two-way radios can help members talk from a distance like they are standing next to each other. 

Communication Earpieces: Facilitating Covert Communication

Communication earpieces are a great tool for covert operations like securing a hotel for a politician or other high-profile client. Covert communication requires special technology because the devices need to be discreet and provide reliable connections. 


Surveillance earpieces pose advantages over other critical communication hearing accessories. Earpieces are made specifically for covert operations, so they are often very small, have clear downloads (if there is one), and have top-notch speakers. All these elements come together to make a device that has a low risk of detection making it perfect for surveillance teams. 

Radio Communication: Coordinating Surveillance Teams

Two-way radio communication is a perfect technology for surveillance teams to employ. Radio communication allows for real-time communication which can help the team coordinate movement and give warnings. Real-time communication also keeps team members and the client safer because they can direct one another faster and clearer. 

In a hotel, two-way radios are great because they will not break connection from interruptions, will still operate in large crowds, and the batteries are built to last. Cell phones are not reliable compared to radios because the communication connection on a phone can be interrupted.

A cell phone will automatically try to switch between satellites to Wi-Fi connection when a Wi-Fi signal is detected. Whereas a two-way radio usually only operates on radio signals; those that can use Wi-Fi are made to connect simultaneously so there is no communication interruption. 

Moreover, sometimes hotels will host conferences, banquets, large speeches, etc.; those types of events draw large crowds. When there are crowds, nearby cell towers can become overwhelmed causing a block in cell signal. This is another reason why two-way radios are significantly more reliable than cell phones when assessing the reliability of communication. 

Two-way radios do not operate solely off cell towers. Moreover, the batteries that are made for two-way radios are manufactured to last 10 hours or more before needing to be charged. Overall, two-way radios allow for real-time updates, quick response time, and seamless coordination for surveillance teams. 

Integration of Communication Technologies

Communications earpieces can easily connect to two-way radios for clear communication. Some of the earpieces are connected with a cable called a downlead and plugged into the radio directly. Others have the capability to be connected with Bluetooth. 

Once the accessory and radio are connected, surveillance teams can communicate clearly and quickly with one another. Using these two types of technology together creates real-time communication which is a huge positive in the world of surveillance. 


Surveillance for the protection of a high-profile person like a politician while in a hotel can pose many obstacles. The most prominent obstacle being communication between surveillance team members. 

With effective communication, the day or mission will move smoothly and most importantly—safely. By using the right technology like  two way radio accessories and two-way radios, the surveillance efforts will be strengthened by having access to effective communication. 

With continued investments in communication technology like communication earpieces and two-way radio communication, the highest levels of security can be achieved.

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Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.