Enhancing mobile app security using machine learning algorithms

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Have you ever questioned how Facebook tags you in your friends’ photos without your knowledge? Then why does Spotify’s “Discover Weekly” feature such fantastic songs? The reason is that these businesses employ machine learning to get customers to say “WOW” when using their mobile applications.

You have come to the right place if you are thinking about including machine learning in your app. The basic categories of machine learning algorithms are compiled in this article, along with suggestions for applying machine learning to a mobile app for a particular sector of the economy. Also, we will choose the best real-world applications of the best machine learning companies and describe how they operate.

Let’s first explore the benefits of using machine learning in your mobile application development.

Motives to create a machine learning application

What advantages machine learning implementation can provide

  • 76% of businesses reported higher sales following ML integration.
  • ML technology makes better user predictions, streamlines workflows, and generates up-sell and cross-sell opportunities.
  • 50% of businesses are using machine learning to hone marketing-related problems.
  • ML has aided numerous European banks in achieving 10% growth in new product sales.

Let’s explore the technology that underpins machine learning algorithms in more detail now.

Machine learning algorithm types for apps on iOS and Android

The technology of automated data processing and decision-making algorithms is known as machine learning (ML). These algorithms adjust how they function based on the results of their work. An illustration of “learning while moving” is this.

The more high-quality data the best ML company apps have, the more accurate the ML algorithm becomes.

Machine learning uses the following three algorithms to build a model that looks for connections:

Supervised learning

When an algorithm learns from example data and related target responses, this is referred to as supervised learning. This information could consist of string designations like classes or tags or numeric values. Afterward, when confronted with fresh cases, ML can forecast the right answer.

Unsupervised instruction

ML learns from examples rather than from solutions. The algorithm thus selects the data patterns on its own.

Learning through reinforcement

ML algorithms are trained by developers to make certain judgments based on their surroundings. The machine gathers the most relevant information to enable accurate decision-making in this manner.

Industry-specific uses for machine learning applications

Machine learning has a wide range of applications. As a result, any industry offers a variety of machine learning use cases for mobile apps. Here are some examples of how machine learning is used in mobile application development for various industries.

Financial assistance with AI

Let’s look at how finance uses machine learning. These Smartphone applications let you get information about your own money. These apps are typically created by banks to offer their customers more. The software analyses your transaction history to predict expenditures, track spending patterns, and provide financial advice using machine learning algorithms. One such app is the mobile voice assistant Erica, created by Bank of America.

Mobile applications for fitness that use machine learning

These fitness apps evaluate information obtained from wearables, smart watches, and fitness trackers thanks to machine learning capabilities. The user then gets tailored lifestyle recommendations based on their goals. To create personalized exercise plans, the system also evaluates the user’s existing fitness levels and food preferences. One of the most well-known fitness apps integrating machine learning is Aptiva Coach.


Machine learning algorithms can be used in a variety of ways by apps for mobile internet shopping. These algorithms, for instance, are in helpful for visual search, detecting credit card fraud, and providing customers with more relevant product recommendations based on previous purchases.


Customer experience is enhanced, brand loyalty is upheld, engagement is increased, and so forth thanks to ML algorithms. Every mobile app development that requires predictions and has a sizable enough data source can use this technology. Best Machine learning companies have numerous applications in a variety of sectors, including e-commerce, banking, healthcare, and transportation. You can use one of the ML algorithms mentioned in this article, depending on your company’s demands. Hiring an expert team to develop machine learning applications is the final step.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.