Georgia Tech Online Masters Cyber Security Review

Georgia Tech Online Masters Cyber Security Review
Georgia Tech Online Masters Cyber Security Review

Governments and businesses all across the world are fighting cybercrime. Cybercrime is estimated to cost governments and companies well over $6 trillion by 2021, according to Cybercrime Magazine. The demand for cybersecurity experts is growing as more cybercrime incidents are reported. The stakes are extremely high, and the threat is immediate. This explains why enrolling in Georgia Tech’s online Master of Cybersecurity programme could be the finest decision you ever make. This essay will provide you an in-depth look into Georgia Tech’s cybersecurity OMS in order to help you make an informed selection. Continue reading…

Georgia Tech University is located in Atlanta, Georgia.

Georgia Tech, formerly known as Georgia School of Technology, is a world-renowned public research institution and Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. Georgia Tech University was founded in 1888 and now comprises six colleges and satellite locations. There are 31 sections in these colleges that provide academic excellence in research, science, and technology.

This space-grant university is one among the top ten global schools and top five public universities in the United States for technology and scientific master’s degrees.

The South Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) has granted the college accreditation to confer master’s, doctoral, and undergraduate degrees. Georgia Tech is delighted to be associated with some of the best technical schools in the country.

Is Georgia Tech’s online master’s degree in cybersecurity worth your time and money?

As the Internet grows to pervade many aspects of modern economy, more and more unscrupulous individuals exploit its vulnerabilities to commit crimes. Cyberspace is full of potential hazards, from criminal gangs utilising sophisticated devices to steal millions to terrorists infiltrating government defence systems to e-commerce scammers.

At a time like this, the demand for cybersecurity experts with the skills and expertise to protect our society and networks has never been greater. Having the best cybersecurity skills and expertise not only improves your professional prospects in such a competitive area, but it also allows you to protect the world’s cyberspace. According to Forbes, a cybersecurity expert’s average annual income is $240,000, with Senior Cybersecurity professionals earning up to $421,000 per year.

An online master’s degree in cybersecurity from Georgia Tech is exactly what you’ll need to carve out a career path in one of the most competitive fields in today’s labour market. The Online Masters of Science in Cybersecurity from Georgia Tech equips you with world-class skills and prepares you for top cybersecurity leadership and expert positions. You will have the opportunity to learn from and be a part of an institution whose cybersecurity innovation and research are in high demand from both government and commercial sector entities.

The OMS in Cybersecurity at Georgia Tech is a flexible study programme developed exclusively for working professionals, allowing you to complete your degree without disrupting your work or family schedule.

Georgia Tech’s OMS in Cybersecurity is a five-credit-hour practicum that allows you to work in real-world contexts such as academia, government, commerce, and industry to better understand cybersecurity concerns.

An Online Master’s of Science in Cybersecurity from Georgia Tech is unquestionably worth your time and money, given the numerous perks that come with the programme.

Admission Requirements for Georgia Tech’s OMS in Cybersecurity

To be considered for admission to this programme, you must provide the following documents:

  1. Official transcripts from all previous institutions attended.
  2. Documents from the federal government. This requirement is only applicable to citizens of the United States.
  3. At least three personal recommendations and TOEFL scores for overseas students
  4. Specific inquiries about the programme
  5. Professional Curriculum Vitae
  6. Statements of purpose
  7. Scores on the GRE or GMAT. This is an optional feature.

How long does a Master’s in Cybersecurity at Georgia Tech take to complete?

Georgia Tech’s entirely online Master’s degree in cybersecurity takes about two years to complete. There are ten comprehensive courses in the programme, each containing five credit hours of core and elective courses and five credit hours of Practicum. The introductory course is for five credit hours, while the specialist courses are worth 12 credit hours, for a total of 32 credit hours.

Georgia Tech’s OMS in Cybersecurity Course Module

Georgia Tech’s OMS in Cybersecurity consists of ten courses totaling 32 credit hours. Information Security Track, Policy Track, and Cyber-Physical Systems Track are the three specialist tracks. Each of these contains the following:

  1. Courses with nine credit hours that are required for graduation.
  2. Courses with a total of 12 credit hours are required.
  3. Courses having a total of six credit hours that can be taken as electives
  4. 5 credit hours of practicum

Tracking Information Security

The Information Security track focuses on establishing effective solutions for safeguarding computer and network systems. The course delves into software development security, identity and access management, network intrusion detection, and prevention, as well as forensic and incident response. The following subjects are covered in the course:

CS 6035: Introduction to Information Security: The course necessitates four credit-hour core courses, namely:

  1. 3 credit hours in Applied Cryptography (CS 6260).
  2. CS 6238 – Secure Computer System — 3 credit hours
  3. CS 6262 – Network Security – 3 credit hours
  4. CS 6263 – Information Security Lab – 3 credit hours
  5. CS/MGT/PUBP 6725 Information Security Policies and Strategies

This course addresses information security threats, legal issues, expenses, and privacy concerns.

  1. CS/ECE/PUBP 6727 – 5 credit hours – Information Security Practicum
  2. – 5 credit hours Flexible Core

Optional Courses

  1. Advanced Operating System CS 6210
  2. Computer Networks CS 6250
  3. The principal of Network Management CS 6255
  4. Software Process CS 6300
  5. Software Architecture and Design CS 6310
  6. Advanced Topics in Software CS 6340
  7. Introduction to Enterprise Computing CS 6365
  8. Program Language Design CS 6340
  9. Database System Computer Design CS 6400
  10. Advanced Internet Computing System CS 6675
  11. Distribution Computing CS 7260
  12. System Software Design Implementation CS 7230
  13. Networking Architecture CS 7260
  14. Reliability and Security in Computing CS 7292
  15. Mobile Application Services CS 8803

Tracking Policy

This comprises all of the 9-credit-hour core courses mentioned above.

  1. PUBP 6502 PUBP 6502 PUBP 6502 PUBP 6502 PUBP 6502
  2. CS/MGT 6726: Privacy, Technology, and Law 3 hours of credit
  3. PUBP 6111 PUBP 6111 PUBP 6111 PUBP 6111 PUBP 6111 PUBP 6111
  4. INTA 6014 3 credit hours Scenario and Path Gaming
  5. INTA 8803 3 credit hours INTA 8803 3 credit hours INTA 8803 3 credit hours INTA 8803 3 credit
  6. 3 credit hours PUBP 6501 Information Policy and Management
  7. Terrorism’s Challenge in Democratic Countries INTA 8803 3 hours of credit

Track of Cyber-Physical Systems

  1. All of the fundamental courses listed above are included, as well as three compulsory courses.
  2. Design and Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems 3 credit hours ECE 8803 CPS
  3. Control and Operations of Power Systems ECE 6320 3 credit hours
  4. ECE 883, three credit hours, Cyber-Physical Security in the Electric Energy System
  5. ECE 883/three credit hours Hardware Oriented Security and Trust
  6. ECE 6102 ECE 6102 ECE 6102 ECE 6102 ECE 6102 ECE 6102 ECE 6102 E
  7. ECE 6550: Linear Systems and Control 3 credit hours
  8. ECE 6607 Computer Communication Network 3 credit hours
  9. 3 credit hours ECE 6615 Sensor Network
  10. ECE 6323 (3 credit hours) Power Systems Protection
  11. Advanced Computer Security (ECE 883) is a three-credit course on computer security.
  12. ECE 883, three credit hours, Advanced Topic in Malware Analysis
  13. ECE 883, three credit hours, Side Channels and Their Roles in Cybersecurity
  14. ECE 883, three credit hours, Principles of Smart Security

How much does a Georgia Tech Master’s in Cybersecurity cost?

  • $310 per credit hour in tuition
  • $194 per credit hour (institutional fee)
  • Fee for technology: $107.
  • The total cost of the course is $9,920.


A career in cybersecurity is a promising alternative for tech professionals because of the expanding need, employment security, and high pay. A Master’s degree in cybersecurity from a renowned university can help you stand out from the competition. If you’re a working professional who wants to enhance your skills and career without disrupting your work or family life, Georgia Tech’s online Master’s in Cybersecurity programme offers a flexible yet hands-on programme taught by genuine cybersecurity specialists. Enroll in this Georgia Tech OMS in Cybersecurity today to update your skills while strengthening your problem-solving, critical-thinking, and management abilities.

Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas is the Co-founder and Chief Business Development Officer at Cybers Guards. Prior to that, She was responsible for leading its Cyber Security Practice and Cyber Security Operations Center, which provided managed security services.