Is Cybersecurity a Good Career?

Cyber Security Jobs

As technology becomes ever more pervasive, cybersecurity professionals are becoming ever more crucial for protecting the internet-connected devices and services we rely on. They provide valuable protection against phishing scams, ransomware attacks, data breaches and identity theft.

With an increased demand for cybersecurity skills, it can be easy to see why this career path might appeal. But before making your decision, it is essential that you consider both its advantages and disadvantages.

Why is Cybersecurity a good career?

Cybersecurity is an in-demand field and continues to experience exponential growth, due to companies needing people with security skills who can protect their data and networks from hackers and cybercriminals.

Careers in administration are perfect for individuals who thrive when working on multiple projects and enjoy taking on new challenges, while offering plenty of growth opportunities as you take on more roles within their careers.

As opposed to other jobs that require specific training, cybersecurity is open and available to anyone. While certain companies require certain levels of education and certifications before being considered a specialist in this field, many self-taught specialists have been successful.

Security professionals deal with an ever-evolving array of threats and risks every day, making the job an exciting challenge involving complex puzzles.

Low unemployment

Cybersecurity jobs have never been in higher demand than they are right now and this trend is projected to continue. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of cyber security jobs will grow 31% between 2019-2029 in the United States.

Low unemployment rates provide another advantage to those seeking entry into cybersecurity. With demand increasing rapidly for cybersecurity specialists, employers will likely have no trouble recruiting from among a pool of qualified candidates when looking for employees.

Another upside of cybersecurity jobs is their relatively high salaries; many companies provide generous benefits on top of salary such as healthcare coverage, flexible hours, and generous PTO allotments.

Recent tech layoffs have left cybersecurity workers feeling overburdened and overextended, according to two surveys released in March. More and more cybersecurity pros are contemplating leaving their jobs, so it is vital that employers provide cybersecurity professionals with attractive benefits when negotiating salaries.


Cybersecurity professionals are highly sought-after in today’s economy. Their duties range from protecting financial data and intellectual property, combatting online fraud, hack-proof client records and protecting financial infrastructure to name but a few.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, cybersecurity employment is projected to experience faster-than-average growth through 2031 – meaning there is considerable room for expansion within this field.

If you want to advance in this field, consider earning a master’s degree or certification – this will allow you to negotiate higher salaries as your experience and skills increase.

Bachelor degrees can also be invaluable when entering cybersecurity careers, with many entry-level positions providing sufficient flexibility to allow for working while earning your credentials.

To maximize your training experience, it is best to look for accredited programs that teach practical cybersecurity skills through hands-on projects and cutting edge tools. Such courses may give you a competitive advantage over other candidates.

Remote Work

Cybersecurity careers provide numerous work-at-home opportunities. You could, for instance, work from home for a security consulting firm to improve clients’ cybersecurity defenses or for an organization providing cybersecurity services such as government agencies or banks.

Cybersecurity careers are in high demand, and their demand is expected to expand rapidly as technology develops further. There are already thousands of open cybersecurity positions available in the U.S. – three times more openings per year compared to general IT jobs!

Employers of remote workers must ensure they understand the security risks they are exposed to online, and it should be made a point to develop a comprehensive written security policy covering data, communication apps and incident response strategies.

An on-demand career in cybersecurity can be an ideal option for those who wish to advance their careers and enhance job flexibility and satisfaction in the process. Working remotely offers job security with excellent pay and job flexibility while offering above average job satisfaction levels.

Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is one of the primary drivers behind cybersecurity professionals’ continued employment in their careers. Nearly two-thirds of them indicate satisfaction with their work.

Certification can also contribute to job satisfaction; since cybersecurity is constantly changing, having various certifications can keep you abreast of emerging threats and keep job satisfaction levels at an all-time high.

Employers that pay for cybersecurity certifications experience higher employee satisfaction rates, suggesting that investing in training increases the chance that cyber workers will remain with their organizations.

Organizations need to acknowledge wins and successes of employees as part of providing competitive salaries, such as when they detect threats or prevent attacks from occurring. Recognizing such wins can go a long way toward making employees feel proud about their work and increasing employee morale.


Cybersecurity professionals face many stressors that can interfere with both their physical and mental wellbeing, leading to potential consequences such as burnout and job turnover.

Cyber security professionals are charged with safeguarding their companies against hackers and other forms of cyberattack. Responding to changing threats and industry mandates can often prove too much for one individual to manage alone.

As a result, cybersecurity professionals are experiencing increasing levels of stress and burnout, which can negatively impact their work and performance, thus harming an organization as a whole.

In order to understand why cybersecurity professionals experience stress, it is necessary to first identify their responsibilities in the work place – both technical and nontechnical requirements may contribute.

Cybersecurity professionals can lower their stress by adopting various strategies. These may include engaging in stress-reduction techniques, decreasing workload and taking regular breaks from work; all these tactics will help lower stress levels in their work life and enhance performance overall.

Technology Focused

Technology has become such an integral component of everyday life and business operations that cybersecurity is now a serious risk. Companies should take steps to proactively prevent attacks, data breaches and other cyber vulnerabilities which could potentially compromise their systems.

An undergraduate or master’s degree program can help expand on your existing computer science or IT knowledge and make the transition into cybersecurity career easier. A BS or MS in information systems or cybersecurity will equip you with technical know-how and leadership abilities necessary for leading security management positions.

Certifications and training programs exist that enable anyone to enter cybersecurity without needing a college degree or prior experience. These short courses can be found online and include hands-on learning via virtual labs and real world case studies.

Why cybersecurity isn’t a good career?

Cybersecurity involves protecting computers, servers, mobile devices and electronic systems against malware, illegal access and misuse. Furthermore, it involves safeguarding against security breaches or attacks which could result in identity theft or financial losses.

As more people rely on digital technology, cybersecurity has become a top priority for businesses. A breach can compromise not only finances but also reputation and lead to lost customer trust.

Critical infrastructure such as energy, water and healthcare systems need to be protected to avoid disruption or worse. An attack against any one of these sectors could have catastrophic repercussions, leading to loss of life and disruption to essential services.

Although cybersecurity professionals are in high demand, their career can be time-consuming and demanding. Yet despite such hurdles, many cybersecurity jobs offer highly rewarding and exciting experiences.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.