JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Overview

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Overview

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is an open source, high-scalable app server designed to meet modern application demands. Its modular structure offers future flexibility while its security and management features help ensure efficient application development processes.

Application Server from CA Technologies offers full Java EE compatibility and is capable of supporting various types of applications. In addition to offering robust security features and an upfront licensing cost savings subscription model.

Red Hat JBoss Application Course Overview

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform offers modern application environments the flexibility they require. Its modular architecture and services-driven components help reduce scale out times for applications with minimal footprint and maximum performance, making JBoss EAP an easy choice when it comes to deployments with minimum footprint and maximum performance. Furthermore, JBoss EAP supports major Java technologies and standards such as Jakarta EE, Spring Arquillian Maven Jenkins Eclipse MicroProfile support.

JBoss EAP provides a high-performance distributed deployment platform with advanced clustering and caching features, designed for both containerized and cloud deployments. Specifically optimized to increase application availability and security with intelligent load balancing and performance tuning for highly transactional apps, you will learn to provision and manage JBoss EAP instances through its management console and command-line interface tools; automate tasks using CLI scripting or custom coding; take an in-depth dive into Elytron security subsystem; as well as explore deployments both standalone mode as well as managed domain.

Course Objectives

Course learning objectives provide your students with an immediate sense of what their goal should be and can help keep them on the right path. An ideal course objective should be concise, specific, measurable, action-oriented and realistic while being grounded in some form of model like Bloom’s Taxonomy.

A SMART learning objective should guide instructors’ decisions regarding content, materials, activities, teaching strategies and technologies as well as serve as a compass for students throughout their work; they’ll be able to refer back to it throughout their efforts and monitor their own progress.

Who Should Attend?

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is a comprehensive Java EE app server offering superior support and industry leading enterprise Java EE applications and web 2.0 technologies, such as:

JBoss EAP is designed specifically for container and cloud deployments, with improved performance, reduced memory footprint, and lower port usage. Furthermore, it features a new non-blocking web subsystem to support high performance, scalable web apps.

Built for modern DevOps practices: Seamlessly integrate with common DevOps tools to increase developer productivity, reduce quality issues and expedite time-to-market. This includes tools such as Java IDEs, Maven for automated and managed build processes and Arquillian integration testing tools.

Course Prerequisites

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is a Java-based application server designed to offer full Java EE compliance and robust security, along with a modular architecture allowing services to be activated as needed to improve startup times and resource utilization.

Undertow, its flexible web server, is capable of supporting both lightweight and rich Java applications. With support for several leading web standards and specifications – such as JAX-WS with RESTEasy, SOAP and the Java Persistence API (JPA), Undertow makes life easy for Java developers.

Administrators can leverage its unified management console and CLI for a single view into configurations, deployments, security policies and subsystems – helping them more efficiently and effectively manage servers. Furthermore, it comes equipped with an extensive set of tools including an easy graphical monitoring and management system.

Final Thoughts

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform provides an incredibly robust, scalable and secure platform for enterprise Java apps. Featuring cutting-edge technologies as well as support for major Java standards and specifications, it has an extensive feature set suited to enterprise-grade development environments.

The platform provides simple deployment and full Jakarta EE performance across environments – from on-premise virtual machines to private, public and hybrid clouds – minimizing application deployment time and IT complexity while giving developers flexibility in meeting line-of-business requirements.

The platform is simple to manage and configure with its unified framework and user-friendly management console user interface, supporting an enhanced management console user interface for easier navigation and offering command line interface support to maximize configuration productivity. Furthermore, its flexible platform enables administrators to deploy workloads both containerized and on bare metal.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.