Pros And Cons Of An iPad With Cellular Connectivity

Internet Explorer

iPads equipped with cellular connectivity offer many advantages for users who require access to the internet while away from Wi-Fi networks, though the device tends to be more costly than its WiFi-only counterpart and typically requires a monthly data plan subscription plan.

Therefore, it is crucial that you carefully consider all of the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing an iPad with cellular capability before deciding if its extra costs justify purchasing one.


An iPad equipped with cellular connectivity enables you to stay connected to the internet wherever and whenever, making it especially helpful if you travel frequently or work from multiple locations on-the-go. Unfortunately, however, this feature comes with its own set of drawbacks such as additional costs and data restrictions; carefully considering both these aspects before deciding if an iPad equipped with this technology is best suited to you is essential to making an informed decision about this purchase decision.

Cellular iPad models tend to be more costly than their Wi-Fi only counterparts and also require you to purchase a data plan from a cellular provider. If your budget is tight, it may be more cost effective to opt for the latter and use smartphone tethering for internet access instead.

One of the primary advantages of an iPad with cellular is its portability. Unlike WiFi only models, cellular iPads can be taken anywhere without worrying about finding an accessible WiFi network. You can even use it to send and receive text messages through iMessage — Apple’s alternative to traditional text messaging services.

An iPad with cellular capabilities provides another distinct advantage – its GPS capabilities for navigation and location services can come in handy during emergencies when pinpointing exactly where you are needed, or if using apps which require GPS capabilities.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that an iPad with cellular can only connect to the internet via mobile network and not via traditional voice or text message channels. Therefore, you will still require using your phone if you own a cellular-enabled iPad for making calls or sending texts messages.

As with most gadgets with cellular capabilities, an iPad with cellular has limited battery life. Since cellular connectivity requires more power than WiFi-only models do, its battery can quickly drain. Therefore, charging it more often may be necessary depending on usage patterns such as streaming HD videos or downloading large files; to overcome this limitation you may consider investing in either a battery case or portable charger to extend its lifetime.


Cellular connectivity for an iPad enables it to remain connected to the internet no matter where you are, making it an indispensable companion for travelers and people who work remotely. Furthermore, the device acts as a mobile hotspot which enables other devices to connect through its connection, making sharing files between coworkers or friends easy as well as acting as navigation device as it has its own GPS chip to pinpoint your location.

The iPad with cellular connectivity offers greater privacy than Wi-Fi. When connected to a cellular network, data is encrypted and cannot be seen by any outside party – making this feature particularly helpful if someone may be monitoring your activities online or connecting you to unsecure public networks that could put personal information at risk. Plus, using cellular provides faster speeds.

An iPad with cellular connectivity offers another benefit: portability. You can take your iPad wherever you go without the worry of finding reliable Wi-Fi connections – an especially valuable benefit for travelers as they can work from coffee shops and parks without missing deadlines due to unreliable WiFi signals.

An iPad equipped with cellular capability can also be used to make calls and send text messages, making it particularly beneficial if traveling or working on-the-go as it eliminates the need for separate phones. Furthermore, such iPads allow for file sharing between different devices, providing businesspeople with a great way to stay in contact with colleagues and clients.

Lastly, an iPad equipped with cellular connectivity boasts higher resale value than its Wi-Fi-only counterpart and has more storage capacity to help manage files and photos more easily. Furthermore, its larger screen makes viewing movies and other content easy; plus its connection to a cellular data network allows access to more websites than its Wi-Fi only counterpart.

Private Internet Access

The iPad with cellular connectivity provides users with a much-needed means to remain connected outside of Wi-Fi networks, providing more stable internet access for work or entertainment purposes, without the hassle of finding and connecting to new WiFi networks every time you access online resources. This feature is particularly valuable when traveling or working in locations with poor Wi-Fi coverage.

Cellular models also come equipped with a GPS antenna that is useful for navigation purposes. You can use your iPad as a portable GPS device without having to tether it to another phone number or pay extra fees for mobile data plans – something which may make the additional cost worth your while depending on your location and needs.

Wi-Fi-only iPads consume battery power more rapidly due to cellular connections constantly communicating with wireless towers; this drains your battery faster. Furthermore, many cellular plans include data limits or usage caps which limit how much data can be accessed each month.

An iPad’s cellular connectivity can also create a personal hotspot that can be shared among multiple devices, making streaming music or videos on it possible while allowing others to access the web without needing separate devices or data plans.

Overall, iPad with cellular is an excellent solution for users who require constant internet access away from Wi-Fi networks or travel frequently to remote areas. However, its additional cost and data limitations may prove prohibitive to certain users. When considering whether an iPad with cellular is right for you, first consider your individual needs and usage patterns as well as budget considerations before researching available carriers to find the most cost-effective plan. Thankfully due to eliminating proprietary restrictions and physical SIM cards cellular connectivity has become much more flexible and can accommodate for your individual requirements more readily than ever before – providing multiple options tailored specifically towards meeting your unique requirements.

Battery Life

Cellular connectivity provides always-on Internet access, making it ideal for work on the move or remote work. You’ll gain access to maps, location services and other functions unavailable via Wi-Fi alone iPads. Plus, with its built-in GPS chip it is easier than ever before to keep track of where you are even when offline; especially useful for frequent travelers or remote workers as this reduces reliance on public WiFi hotspots that could expose data to hackers.

Cellular iPads provide superior portability and connectivity, but at a price: you must buy a cellular data plan from your wireless carrier in order to access streaming HD videos or large files from the iPad. Furthermore, cellular connectivity may use up more battery than Wi-Fi connectivity, leading to quicker battery drain.

The iPad is powered by a lithium-ion polymer battery, commonly referred to as LiPo. This smaller battery offers excellent performance; it can hold its charge for up to 10 hours – far longer than any smartphone battery can last! Unfortunately, some features like Apple Pencil and ProMotion can quickly drain its energy reserves; furthermore, its cellular capabilities necessitate constant communication with cell towers, further draining power.

Are You Thinking about Purchasing an iPad With Cellular Service? Depends on Your Needs and Usage Patterns! cellular connectivity offers numerous advantages, including constant Internet access and enhanced portability; but additional costs and data limits could put some users off. Therefore, it is wise to carefully evaluate both its pros and cons before making your decision; doing so can ensure you maximize the experience with your new device; for instance if your goal is streaming movies or entertainment content then spending a bit extra for an i-Pad with Cellular might be worth spending some extra money.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.