Taking Data Protection Seriously: Everything You Need to Know

Computer Science Degrees

Data security is an essential part of any successful business, and yet it can be hard to keep up with the ever-evolving landscape of data protection. Whether you’re a small start-up or a large enterprise, taking data protection seriously is key to safeguarding your business’s valuable information. In this blog post, you’ll learn more about what you need to know about data protection, from understanding basic principles to implementing stronger measures for keeping important data secure.

Data is any structured information that can be used to identify or describe an individual, object, event, or process. Data can include anything from customer information, such as names, addresses and payment details, to employee records, sales figures and financial documents. It’s important to note that data can come in many forms, such as text documents, digital images, audio recordings and videos.

Data protection is essential for any business—no matter the size or sector. Data can be used for many beneficial purposes, such as providing insights about customer trends and helping to make informed decisions. However, if data is not kept secure, it can fall into the wrong hands and put your business—and customers—at risk. That’s why it is so important to take data protection seriously and put in place measures to ensure that all data is kept secure. Whether you outsource your IT support or have colleagues responsible for data protection in-house, it’s important you understand what good data protection means for your business.

So what are some of the key data protection measures you should have in place in your company?

Data Encryption

Encrypting data is one of the most effective ways to protect it. This means transforming the data into an unreadable code that only the person with the right key can access and decode. Encryption is particularly important when it comes to protecting sensitive information, such as financial records or customer data.

Remember to consider encryption for any third party apps or software you use too. You may have good enough measures for all your in-house systems, but leaving data insecure through externally run applications.

Data Backup and Storage

Storing data securely is essential for any business—whether it’s on a physical server or in the cloud. Having multiple ways of backing up and storing data ensures that all your information is secure, even if one system fails or is hacked.

Many businesses use cloud storage, as it’s a secure and efficient way to store data. However, you should always make sure that the provider meets rigorous security standards, such as encryption and two-factor authentication. Having data on the cloud can mean it’s easily restored if there is a failure in another part of the system too.

Data Access Controls

It’s important to ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data. Establishing data access controls and permissions can help you to restrict which individuals can view or change information. This means that only those with the correct credentials can access specific information—reducing the risk of data breaches.

To decide who needs access to which data, measure security levels against the importance of the information. It’s crucial to restrict access to the most sensitive data so that only those who need it can access it.

It’s also important to review and update access controls regularly—especially after personnel changes. It’s essential to ensure that anyone who no longer works for the company can no longer access sensitive data.

Data Breach Notifications

If a breach does happen, it’s important to act quickly. A data breach notification system should be in place that allows you to inform relevant authorities and customers as soon as possible. This can come in the form of emails, text messages or phone calls—whichever is most appropriate.

A data breach can happen in many different ways. This includes cyber attacks or simply from human error. Regardless of the cause, having measures in place to protect your data is essential for any business. And having notifications set up to deal with different types of breaches is also important.

Data Protection Policies

Having a robust data protection policy in place is key to ensuring that all the data protection measures mentioned above are followed. This policy should be communicated to all relevant personnel and updated when necessary, in order to ensure everyone is aware of their role in protecting the company’s data.

Some companies run regular training for staff, in order to ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities and the importance of data security. Mandatory online quizzes or tests can be used to check understanding and make sure everyone is up to date with the latest policies.

Firewalls and Anti-Hacking

Having a good firewall and anti-hacking system in place is essential. Firewalls help to block unauthorized access to your network, while anti-hacking systems detect and prevent malicious attacks.

Firewalls should be regularly tested to check their efficiency and updated when necessary. Anti-hacking systems should be regularly checked for malicious software and any potential threats that could put your data at risk.

The key things to remember in anti-hacking measures are to keep all of your systems up-to-date, use secure passwords and have a proactive approach to detecting threats.

Data protection is essential for any business, and the measures outlined above can help you keep your information safe. Having a robust data protection policy in place and educating your staff about their responsibilities can help ensure that all sensitive data stays secure. Additionally, having systems such as firewalls and anti-hacking measures can help protect your data against malicious attacks. Taking the right steps to protect your data will help you keep your business and customers secure.


Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.