The Most Visited Websites in the World

the most visited websites in the world

We all like to spend time browsing the Internet and enjoying all of the numerous benefits on offer. Most of you will thus be familiar with some of the most popular websites on the globe. You will likely get at least eight out of ten right because the top online sites in the world are popular for a reason.

Stay tuned and enjoy the discussion about the online website heavyweights that possess an unmatched dominance on today’s Internet.


With almost 100 billion monthly visits, Google genuinely have no competition in the online world. Al Alphabet-owned domain, serves more than two trillion queries on a yearly basis. For the sake of comparison, the next (very popular) search engine in this list,, holds 7th place with a monthly rake of 5.6 billion visitors. We should speak no further.


Speaking of Google, they also own the second-ranked platform in this list, YouTube. The US online video sharing platform was launched in 2005. Over 34 billion monthly visitors together watch more than one billion hours of videos on YouTube every single day. It seems that YouTube has never been more popular than now and only sky is the limit for this ever-growing platform available to people of all ages (literally). YouTube makes parents’ lives much easier as their babies eat better while watching funny YouTube videos. Equally, the elders find it exciting to spend hours watching their favorite TV shows or cooking recipes on the most popular online video-sharing platform in the world, while sports fans enjoy sports and tipping videos like the ones produced by the likes of


Facebook saw the daylight just one year before YouTube. It was created by Harvard College students led by Mark Zuckerberg. Initially, the social media and social networking platform was only available to Harvard students. Then it expanded to other North American universities and since 2006 it became available to anyone over 13 years of age all over the world. The rest is history.  Facebook currently has more than 25 billion monthly visits and is by far the most dominant social network and online community platform in the universe.

Twitter & Instagram

Twitter is the second most popular social network but Instagram seriously threatens to take over with a significantly increased number of monthly visits over the last couple of years. At the moment, Twitter still tops it with 6.6 billion monthly visits, but Instagram are just 0.5 billion monthly visits shy of them and it is only a matter of time before the top photo-posting platform overtakes the “older cousin”.


If you want to search for something online, you will likely go to However, most of us prefer visiting, the most popular (and the best) online encyclopedia in the world. The site offers accurate (in most cases) answers to a wide spectrum of questions. We are indeed impressed by how quickly the encyclopedia is updated and it deservedly shares fifth place with Instagram in the list of the most popular online websites on the planet.

Baidu & Yahoo

Last but not least, we have to mention Baidu and Yahoo who sit at 5.6 and 3.8 billion monthly visits respectively. Baidu is the only non-American website on this list. A Chinese multinational technology company offers bountiful services, the search engine being the most popular of them all.

Yahoo is still among the top seven most popular online websites in the world although they had a much greater significance on the Internet in the last couple of decades. Yahoo were one of the pioneers of the Internet era and their search engine & web portal were by far the most popular website worldwide before the appearance of Google.

Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas is the Co-founder and Chief Business Development Officer at Cybers Guards. Prior to that, She was responsible for leading its Cyber Security Practice and Cyber Security Operations Center, which provided managed security services.