Top Penetration Testing Companies

ICS Hacking Contest

When it comes to protecting sensitive information, companies need the best of the best. That is where penetration testing companies come in. These experts are dedicated to finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in a company’s security system before hackers can get their hands on them. The top penetration testing companies have a reputation for being ruthless and unyielding when it comes to identifying weaknesses in a client’s network or software systems.

Vulnerabilities are serious online problems, and Top penetration testing companies are there to eliminate them. Such companies emerged after knowing the importance of penetration testing to detect which trace, and effectively manage vulnerabilities. What can they provide you in return? Definitely, you will get a suspicious-free system with an enhanced security posture. Yeah, it gives smooth and maintained compliance to the users.

Redbot Security is one the best and most trusted companies for penetration testing. The whole process is done via collaborating manual and automated methods for the best possible detection. They are undoubtedly professional in providing you with a secured pentest suite.

There are plenty of companies that offer such types of testing, but which one is best? Each company has its own advantages and disadvantages, but we have shortlisted the top 10 companies to help you clarify your way. So, let’s get deeper into their details!

What Is Penetration Testing?

It’s also referred to as the Pen Test. Simply, it’s a type of online security test for examining an online network or application’s vulnerability. It’s done by injecting suspicious items or exploiting an online system with a certain vulnerability. In this digital era, cyber issues are increasing day by day due to some holes in the loops.

Such suspicious issues and loopholes can be found in many places. For example, it can occur in system configuration, end-use, or even authentication processes. So, examining all these loopholes and points is crucial.

It’s not only to test the security issues but check the system’s effectiveness according to the current digital-era requirements. In actuality, it’s a security tactic to make the system better and better.

Undoubtedly, cyber security conditions are upgrading but exploiting problems is increasing correspondingly. Some organizations address it to a high level, and few do not. In short, everyone must have a strong vulnerability detection and opposition system to prevent data theft. It’s the reason why you need penetration testing for the systems.

Why Use Penetration Testing?

The primary reason is to increase the security of online systems and apps. In simple words, penetration testing helps organizations to find out loopholes where hackers can exploit their systems. It detects the system’s weaknesses which can lead to data theft by hackers. Only ethical hackers (technical and security experts) can conduct this testing at different security levels. Here are some reasons why businesses should go through this testing process:

  • It tests the overall health of an online system, network, or application on a physical layer.
  • It searches the exposed holes of the system with real-time testing.
  • It has become an industry standard to maintain information and prevent data theft.
  • A strengthened security system in prioritizing system security over vulnerabilities.
  • To reduce the holes from entering bad actors out.
  • It evaluates overall system layers and attack surfaces.
  • Testing the system from a user perspective rather than a technological aspect.
  • Examining the effectiveness of security standards and policies.
  • And much more.

Note: There might be more reasons explaining different aspects from the network, business, or user sides. However, enhanced security to prevent a cyber attack is the main reason for testing.

Top Penetration Testing Companies List

Such testing is done under certain protocols and standards. Therefore, it’s highly labor intensive, and excellent skills are required to test a system completely. Nonetheless, it’s not good to trust everyone because not all companies provide effective testing. Here is a quick comparison list of the top 10 penetration testing companies with a service overview.

1. Redbot Security

Redbot Security is at the top because they comply with their tagline, “Simulating Real World attacks before they become real.” They truly work and check the systems at an exceptional level. The company is competent in identifying, checking exploits, evaluating best practices, reporting, and more in detecting vulnerabilities in systems and networks.

Do you know how they do that? Besides the universal testing loops, the company experts have developed a personal testing system. It’s known as a Manual Controlled Penetration Testing system and is considered ethical hacking.

Senior-level engineers or ethical hackers perform these tests in a controlled environment. Did you hear about system damage while ethical hacking? Yes, it happens, and many cases are reported, but Redbot Security has this ratio of less than 1% due to authentic work and experience.

With high demand, the company has separated this part, which Senior engineers now deploy. The steps are taken according to the client’s network type and its requirements. They cope with small and large projects easily from Saas products to individual critical infrastructure.

Why Redbot Security Penetration Testing Service?

It’s a popular company for testing and ethical hacking. Has the best and most experienced senior-level engineers. They have a dedicated team of experts to conduct vulnerability tests under controlled environments. The team is truly passionate about helping clients and conducting tests with their own customized testing system.


  • Custom scoping helps develop the accurate scope according to the customer’s project. Small project testing is completed in 3-5 days, while bigger projects can take up to 12 weeks.
  • On-time delivery is a major advantage, and they always meet deadlines. They plan and test the system according to the deadline.
  • A customer gets proof of concept in terms of a detailed report. It addresses the results, manual strategy, and automated strategy used for testing the system.
  • Last but not least, they provide senior-level support by senior engineers for customer satisfaction.

Prominent Features

  • First, they offer scope and planning by analyzing the customer’s business, app, or network.
  • Comprehensive testing is done utilizing manual and automatic methods.
  • All the tests are conducted by senior-level engineers.
  • Only experienced network engineers are involved in testing using different techniques, best practices, dedicated systems, and the latest tools.
  • A comprehensive reporting is done by identifying and explaining vulnerabilities.
  • Testing is done with matching industry standards.
  • Communication and collaboration are the key services.

2. Cyberhunter

The primary services provided by Cyber Hunter are penetration testing, network assessments, network threats, and network log monitoring. Other features are vulnerability mapping, extensive network reconnaissance, exploits, and other options needed for vulnerability tests.

Furthermore, they are good for network traffic analysis and align security control analysis under international industry standards. However, they don’t offer cloud pen testing and CI/CD integration. These are the only downsides and limitations of this company.

3.  Astra Security

It’s a leading company for conducting penetration testing with scanner capabilities for web, mobile, cloud, networks, APIs, and more. It has collected praise worldwide due to its services. They are specialized in IT risk assessments, penetration testing, security consulting for different businesses, and all types of security audits. Whether your concern is about small businesses or large online networks, they have the ability to trace the vulnerabilities.

Plus, two teams, i.e., security researchers and security auditors, collaborate to perform the tasks. They provide one of the best penetrating testing services around the clock. They also use manual and automated tests to check the exposed holes in a network. Yeah, it’s quoted that they perform more than 3000 tests to check the security.

4.  SecureWorks

They have extensive scanner capabilities for mobile apps, web applications, and network APIs. The tests are performed behind the logins and are perfect for business networks, information assets, and more. The core services include malware detection, security testing, penetration testing, and risk management for all types of businesses.

According to some estimates, their services and tools contain 2 billion cyber programs to detect the exposed holes. These systems make this company come in the top 10 penetration testing organizations. They easily align the industry standards and security environments such as NIST and ISO. Moreover, they provide active communication services to their clients.

5. Intruder

They provide active penetration testing and vulnerability detection services. They are perfect for tracing loopholes and fixing critical issues from the most exposed areas of the business network. Ethical hacking is done precisely, manually, and with suitable tools. They help you better know the security issues in your business and can manage them with increased security.

Another important thing is that they offer scalable solutions and compliance with the best service to meet international cyber standards. No matter what the size of your business, they will find the security issues easily.

6. mSciencesoft

Their scanner capacity comes under web and mobile applications only; therefore, they come at number 6. They provide scans with logins, so they provide limited penetration testing. All the tests are performed under the physical security layer. The engineers guarantee you to trace loopholes in your business. Their expertise is to find vulnerabilities in retail, banking, and healthcare.

The primary aspect of the company is its experienced team. Most importantly, they partner with top companies, namely Microsoft and IBM. From a wide range of services to an enviable clientele, the services are satisfactory.

7.  Detectify

They address the scanning for web applications and business APIs with an accuracy of “False Positive Present.” Offers a complete automated penetration testing system to prevent the current vulnerable attacks from hackers. The primary aspect is the customer gets pre-notification for the exposed hole in the system. Trace and fix them before it is exposed to hackers.

Similarly, the cloud-based service helps scan the website against vulnerabilities. This service is available in two modes, i.e., manual and automated. Ensures the quick and most reliable way to detect suspicious points. No worries! You will get detailed reports and prioritized remediation about your business.


Provides penetration testing for web applications, mobile apps, networks, APIs, and clouds. The services are customized and provided according to your program’s testing needs. Most importantly, they offer the quickest penetration testing service in minimal time. Their time is short of all the companies; therefore people like it the most.

The only downside is that they don’t offer continuous vulnerability scanning for the networks. Similarly, their charges are more than other services due to immediate reporting and testing. An experienced team works behind the whole system, tell you about the system security issues, and has a simple UI. Compliance with more standards such as SOC2, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and CREST.

9. Rapid 7

Rapid7 comes in second last due to scanner capacity for cloud and web development. They utilize all their resources to give the best penetration testing service. They ensure that your business must protect and have sustainable security. Different methods are applied to understand the vulnerability at an exceptional level so that no hacker can attack your system.

They collaborate with the international testing community to upgrade their system according to the current demands for better testing. In short, their services are accurate, prolific security solutions, and highly affordable to all businesses. Moreover, they utilize a top-quality suspicious intelligence system.

10. Invicti

Last but not least, Invicti provides quick, in-depth, and accurate penetration testing to make the system more secure. Add more barriers to the vulnerability and increase the system security in the path of today’s online system. They have hundreds of applauded testing records worldwide.

They use a transparent way to detect loopholes in the system and provide everything in a written report. Plus, they give a graphical representation of the results conducted after the results, giving a better understanding of business security. There are several testing options chosen according to your business requirements. All the scans are IAST enabled, which is a plus. That’s why it comes among the top testing companies worldwide.

Final Words

In conclusion, penetration testing is not a piece of cake and a business’ first step to getting started. Don’t waste money and valuable customers by getting service from ordinary companies. Only get penetration testing services from the top companies mentioned above. Some companies cost normal, but a few charge high according to the included perks. Moreover, most companies offer customized testing after analyzing your business. We recommend you pick up a company that offers manual and automated testing for web applications, mobile apps, and businesses. We wish you the best of luck for your upcoming business with enhanced security to meet the current cyber requirements.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.