Twitter Bug Exposed iOS users ‘ location data to an advertiser

Twitter Bug Exposed iOS

Twitter Bug Location exposed data Some of the users to Unknown Advertisers Twitter revealed a bug report that they accidentally collected and shared the location data for iOS users with the advertisers under certain conditions, even if they chose to reject data sharing.

If the user is using one or more twitter accounts on IOS devices and has chosen to collect location information from one account the location data will be collected from any other account on the same device. The data is collected in this condition.

“We intended, during a publicity process known as real-time bidding, to remove localization data from the fields sent to a trusted partner,” says Bug Report.

The Twitter agency states that the information was accidentally gathered and was shared with the advertisement partner during a real-time bidding process. “We had technically implemented measures to fuzz the shared information so as to make it no more accurate than zip code or city.”

Twitter confirms that “location data was not retained and only existed for a short time on its systems, then removed as part of their normal process.” Twitter now remedied the bug and contacts people who impacted the bug to provide status updates.

“We invite you to check your confidentiality settings to ensure that you only share data with us. This happened, we’re very sorry. Our confidence in us is recognized and valued, and we are committed to earning that confidence every day.

Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas is the Co-founder and Chief Business Development Officer at Cybers Guards. Prior to that, She was responsible for leading its Cyber Security Practice and Cyber Security Operations Center, which provided managed security services.