What does a DDoS do?


In today’s world, the internet has become an integral part of our lives. We use it for communication, work, entertainment and much more. However, with all its benefits come some drawbacks as well. One such threat is a DDoS attack. This malicious attack can wreak havoc on websites and businesses alike. In this blog post, we’ll explore what a DDoS attack is and how it works. We’ll also discuss the different types of attacks and who might be targeted by them. Join us as we delve into this important topic to learn how you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of these attacks!

What is a DDoS?

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a type of cyberattack that attempts to overwhelm a website or network server with so much traffic that it becomes unavailable for legitimate users. The attack uses multiple devices, often compromised computers called “zombies” controlled by the attacker’s command and control servers.

DDoS attacks can be carried out in many ways, including using botnets, amplification attacks or application-layer attacks. In botnet DDoS attacks, the attacker sends signals to hundreds or even thousands of devices infected with malware to flood the targeted site with requests. Amplification attacks use vulnerable systems like DNS servers to amplify traffic aimed at the target site.

Application-layer DDoS involves targeting specific aspects of an application layer such as HTTP floods which rely on large numbers of GET/POST requests sent simultaneously.

The result is catastrophic: websites become slow or crash completely. While these types of attack are not meant to steal data but instead compromise your online presence and reputation, they remain extremely disruptive due to their ability to take down entire networks and websites – leaving businesses without access and customers unable to purchase goods online.

What are the types of attacks?

There are several types of DDoS attacks, each with its own unique characteristics and methods. The most common type is the volumetric attack, which overwhelms a server or network with a massive amount of traffic to render it inaccessible. This can be accomplished through botnets or amplification techniques like DNS reflection.

Another type of DDoS attack is the protocol attack, which targets vulnerabilities in specific protocols such as TCP/IP or HTTP. These attacks often exploit weaknesses in how these protocols handle requests and responses between servers and clients.

Application-layer attacks target web applications by exploiting vulnerabilities in software platforms like WordPress or Joomla. These attacks aim to overwhelm application resources such as CPU usage, memory utilization, and database connections that cause the website’s functionality to fail.

There are hybrid attacks that combine two or more types of DDoS tactics into one coordinated assault on their intended victim. Hybrid attacks can be particularly challenging for security personnel because they require multiple mitigation strategies simultaneously to counteract them effectively.

In summary, understanding the different types of DDoS attacks is vital for protecting your organization from potential threats. Each category requires specialized detection tools and mitigation techniques tailored explicitly for that type of threat vector.

How do you carry out a DDoS attack?

DDoS attacks are carried out by using a network of infected computers, also known as botnets or zombies. The attacker controls these computers remotely and instructs them to send an enormous amount of traffic to the target website or server, effectively overwhelming it and causing it to crash.

One common method of launching a DDoS attack is through the use of malware that infects vulnerable devices. This malware can be distributed via email phishing scams or malicious downloads from unsecured websites.

Once the attacker has control over the infected devices, they will typically use a command-and-control (C&C) system to coordinate their actions. This allows them to direct all of the bots in their network at once towards a specific target.

To make matters worse, attackers can also use spoofed IP addresses or other techniques to disguise their location and make it difficult for authorities to track them down.

Given how easy it is for anyone with basic technical knowledge to launch a DDoS attack, it’s no wonder that this type of cybercrime has become so prevalent in recent years. However, there are steps you can take as an individual user or business owner to protect yourself from becoming a victim – which we’ll cover next!

Who can be a target of a DDoS attack?

DDoS attacks have been used to target a wide range of victims, from individuals to multinational corporations. Anyone with an online presence can fall victim to this type of cyber attack. Hackers often choose their targets based on factors such as visibility, potential financial gain, or political motivations.

Individuals and small businesses are not immune to DDoS attacks either. In fact, they may be more vulnerable due to limited resources and less advanced security measures compared to larger organizations. Hackers may use DDoS attacks against smaller targets as a way of extorting money in exchange for stopping the attack.

Government agencies and non-profit organizations have also been targeted by DDoS attacks. These types of groups may become targets due to their perceived views or actions that conflict with those of the attackers.

Online gaming websites and platforms are another popular target for DDoS attacks because they rely heavily on internet connectivity and consistent uptime for their users.

In summary, anyone who has an online presence is potentially at risk for a DDoS attack regardless of size or industry. It’s important for individuals and organizations alike to take proactive steps towards protecting themselves against these types of cyber threats.

How can you protect yourself from a DDoS attack?

Whether you are an individual or running a business, it is important to protect yourself from DDoS attacks. Here are some ways to safeguard against them.

Firstly, one of the most effective ways to prevent DDoS attacks is by using a content delivery network (CDN). A CDN ensures that your website traffic is distributed across multiple servers located in various regions. By doing so, if one server becomes overloaded with traffic during an attack, traffic can be redirected to other servers without causing any damage.

Secondly, always keep your software and operating system updated with the latest patches and security updates. Cybercriminals often target vulnerabilities in outdated software which may cause serious harm to your computer systems.

Thirdly, consider investing in anti-DDoS services provided by reputable cybersecurity companies as they have specialized resources and expertise to detect and mitigate such attacks effectively.

Educate yourself on what signs indicate that your website might be under a DDoS attack. Early detection can help minimize damages caused by these types of assaults.


In today’s digital age, cyber threats are continuously on the rise. Among these threats is DDoS attacks that can significantly impact an organization’s reputation and financial stability. By understanding what a DDoS attack is, its types, how it works, and who can be targeted by it, you’ll have a better chance of protecting yourself from this malicious act.

While there isn’t a foolproof solution to protect against DDoS attacks entirely, there are measures you can take to minimize the risk of falling victim to such an attack. These include investing in robust cybersecurity software solutions with advanced threat detection capabilities or partnering with specialized cybersecurity companies capable of monitoring your network for suspicious activities round-the-clock.

Staying informed about potential cyber threats like DDoS attacks is crucial in keeping your business safe from harm. By taking proactive steps towards mitigating risks through investments in cybersecurity infrastructure and best practices guidelines implementation across all levels within your company culture- we can help ensure our organizations remain secure as much as possible!

Melina Richardson
Melina Richardson is a Cyber Security Enthusiast, Security Blogger, Technical Editor, Certified Ethical Hacker, Author at Cybers Guards. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.