Who Built The Trojan Horse?


Ever wondered who built the famous Trojan Horse? The answer isn’t as straightforward as it might seem. While many people point to Homer’s Iliad as the origin of the story, there are multiple versions of how it came to be. This blog post will dive into what we know about who built the Trojan Horse – from ancient Greek sources to modern interpretations. We’ll explore how different cultures have interpreted this iconic story and what conclusions can be drawn from all these versions. So read more about this classic tale and its mysterious origins!

The history of the trojan horse

The first recorded use of the trojan Horse was by the Greeks during the Trojan War. According to legend, the Greeks built a giant wooden horse and hid a group of soldiers inside. The Horse was then given to the Trojans as a gift. Unaware of the soldiers inside, the Trojans brought the Horse into their city. That night, the soldiers emerged from the Horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, hiding outside. The Greeks then sacked Troy.

While there is no historical evidence that this story is true, it has nonetheless become one of the most famous tales from antiquity. In modern times, “trojan horse” has come to mean any strategy whereby one side deceitfully gains entry into another territory.

What is the trojan horse?

The Trojan Horse is a story from the Trojan War about the subterfuge the Greeks used to enter the city of Troy and win the war. In the story, the Greeks build a giant wooden horse and hide a group of soldiers. The Trojans take the Horse into their city as a victory trophy, and during the night, the Greek soldiers sneak out of the Horse and open the gates for their army, which had been hiding outside the city. The Greek army then sacked Troy.

How was the trojan Horse built?

The Trojan horse was built by the Greek army during the Trojan War. It was a large wooden horse that was used to trick the Trojans into thinking it was a gift. The Greeks hid inside the Horse, and when the Trojans brought it into their city, they sacked it.

Who built the trojan horse?

There are many theories about who built the Trojan Horse. The most popular theory is that the Greeks built it during the Trojan War. Another theory is that it was built by the Trojans themselves as a way to trick the Greeks into thinking they had won the war.

Why was the trojan Horse built?

The Trojan Horse was built by the Greeks to trick the Trojans into thinking it was a gift. When the Trojans brought the Horse into their city, the Greeks inside it opened the gates for the Greek army hiding nearby. The Greeks then conquered Troy.

How did the trojan horse help the Greeks win the war?

The Greeks had been trying to take the city of Troy for ten years without success. They decided to build a giant wooden horse as a gift for the Trojans and pretend to sail away. The Trojans pulled the Horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night, Greek soldiers climbed out of the Horse’s belly and opened the gates of Troy, allowing the rest of the Greek army to pour in and capture the city.

What happened to the trojan horse after the war?

The Greeks were victorious when the war ended, and the Trojan Horse was left behind. For years, it remained in the ruins of Troy until it was eventually forgotten. In medieval times, however, the Trojan Horse story was rediscovered and became a popular motif in art and literature. Today, the Trojan Horse is an enduring symbol of deceit and trickery.

The purpose of the trojan horse

The purpose of the Trojan horse was to trick the Greeks into thinking it was a gift when it was a weapon. The Trojans built the Horse and given to the Greeks as a peace offering. However, the Greeks were suspicious of the Horse and did not want to bring it into their city. The Trojans then pretended to leave and left the Horse outside the city as an offering to the gods. At night, they snuck back into the city and opened the gates for their army, hiding inside the Horse. The Greek army was then able to destroy Troy from within.

The legacy of the trojan horse

The Trojan Horse is one of the most famous stories from Ancient Greece. It tells the story of the Trojan War, in which the Greeks defeated the city of Troy by tricking them with a giant wooden horse. The Trojans thought the Horse was a gift from the Greeks, but it was full of Greek soldiers who snuck into Troy during the night and opened the city gates for their army. This allowed the Greeks to invade Troy and destroy the city.

The story of the Trojan Horse has been told for centuries and has become an essential part of Greek culture. The phrase “Trojan Horse” has also been used to describe other situations in which someone appears to be helping you but is hiding something dangerous.


It is impossible to pinpoint who exactly built the Trojan Horse. While it was likely a collaboration between many strong and talented artisans, some myths attribute its creation solely to Epeius, a Greek soldier and architect. Regardless of who created it, the Trojan Horse is an iconic symbol of both cunning strategy and ingenuity that still has relevance today. Its use in popular culture as a metaphor for deception shows just how effective this devious yet ingenious plan remains even after nearly three thousand years.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.