DuckDuckGo uses the efficiency of Apple Maps

paris duckduckgo

DuckDuckGo turned to Apple Maps for address-related mobile and desktop searches. The search engine said that it did not send Apple any personal information.

“For local searches, where your approximate location information is sent by your browser to us, we discard it immediately after use,” the company said in a blog post.

“You are still anonymous when you perform map and address-related searches on DuckDuckGo.

“DuckDuckGo did not discuss how to work with Apple, which the search engine said would lead to a ” a new standard of trust online ” was better or worse from a privacy point of view than using data from the OpenStreetMap project as it did before.

The search engine is one of the first to join the MapKit JS framework in Apples.

In the iOS 12 version of the Maps, Apple has added more data on vegetation, parking lots, greens, harbors, beaches and race paths. The new maps are gradually being developed in the United States and cover only 48 counties in California and four in Nevada.

Last month, the Verge reported that DuckDuckGo took over the domain that Google had previously purchased from On2 Technologies in 2010.

“Please note that On2 was previously called the Duck Corporation, ” says Google on the page, which has not been updated since the transfer.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.