fsociety’s Full Hacking Tools Pack the Security Platform for Penetration Testing

Hacking Tools

fsociety is a platform for penetration testing consisting of all tools that the hacker wants. This contains all the devices in the Mr. Robot Show.

Testing of penetration–fsociety

The method consists of a large range of resources starting from Information collection after use.

To clone the Github software


Then provide executable permission for install.sh

root@kali:~/fsociety# chmod +x install.sh

To run fsociety

root@kali:~# fsociety

Gathering of data

The software includes following resources Nmap, Setoolkit Port Scanning, Host To IP, WordPress client, CMS scanner, XSStrike, Dork–Google Passive Vulnerability Auditor. Knowledge Collection is an important step for every penetration test. Check A Users Database, Crips.

Password attacks

For password attacks, the kit consists of Cupp–Ncrack-network encryption protocol to create a password list.

Wireless testing

It is the pixiewps effective tool for wireless penetration testing to target WPS PINS.

Exploitation software

The software consists of ATSICAN, sqlmap, Shellnoob, commix, FTP Auto Bypass, JBoss-autopwn, Blind SQL Automatic Injection and Exploit. This lets you take advantage of the bugs that other providers provide. Bruteforce the hash and salt Android Passcode, Joomla SQL Injection Scanner. Get to know about free online sql injection scanner here.

Spoofing & Sniffing

Sniffing involves the compilation, translation, review, and analysis of the data within a Network Package on a TCP / IP arrange.

Internet hacking

This consists of powerful tools for checking internet penetration and CMS as well. Comprises Drupal Hacking, Inurlbr, WordPresse & Joomla, Gravity Type Scanner, File Upload Checker (Know complete details about file upload vulnerability here.), WordPress Exploit Scanner, WordPress Scanner Plugins, Shave and Directory Finder, Joomla! 1.5–3.4.5 remote code execution, remote code execution Vbulletin 5.X. BruteX–All services operating on a target automatically brute, the Arachni–Web Application Protection Scanner System.

Personal Hacking Internet

Under Private Web hacking it includes: All web pages are accessed from the following tools: Get Joomla Website (Joomla infected with malware fix it now), Get WordPress Websites Control Panel Finder, Zip Files Finder, Upload File Finder, Get Server Users, SQli Scanner, Ports Scan (Ports range) Ports, Get Server Data, Bypass Cloudflare.

Post Exploitation

This consists of Shell Checker, POET, Weema for post exploitation.


Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.