Global Market For Cloud Analytics

Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management

Cloud analytics solutions differ from on-premise analytics solutions by being able to combine multiple data sources into one comprehensive view of an enterprise, making it easy for all stakeholders to access it from one place and gain more accurate insights in real time.

Cloud analytics platforms often include an assortment of processing applications, analytic models, and computing resources that can be utilized on an as-needed basis. Payment can often be made per use.


Cloud analytics is a type of business intelligence that analyzes large datasets using algorithms and machine learning, helping organizations detect inefficiencies and make more strategic business decisions while cutting costs by eliminating the need to purchase and maintain hardware. The global cloud analytics market is projected to experience compound annual compound annual compound annual compound annual compound annual compound compound annual compound annual growth of 11.6% throughout its forecast period, driven by organizations’ adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and cloud computing solutions. IoT devices gather real-time information and transmit it directly to the cloud for analysis. Cloud analytics solutions enable organizations to extract and analyze the data derived from multiple sources – including IoT devices – in order to optimize products and services offered to customers.

Cloud analytics’ cost effectiveness comes primarily from their scalability and service models that are built into its infrastructure. Businesses can quickly adjust resources based on demand, paying only for what they use. Businesses can increase capacity when there’s sudden workload surge, then scale it back down as soon as workload decreases again.

One effective strategy for cutting cloud analytics costs is using predictive modeling. This technology enables businesses to identify patterns in data usage and predict future demand – helping them make smarter decisions while saving money over time – something particularly helpful for small and mid-sized firms with tight budgets.

Businesses leveraging cloud analytics also benefit from increased security. All data is stored securely within the cloud and only authorized users have access. Furthermore, most solutions come equipped with audit logs so businesses can keep tabs on who accesses what and when. This ensures sensitive data doesn’t fall into unsuitable hands and protects sensitive information.

Businesses can utilize cloud analytics to increase customer engagement and sales by analyzing customer and competitor data to create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with target customers, increasing both engagement and profits in turn. Cloud analytics solutions also allow companies to evaluate which marketing efforts are working and which aren’t; Tri Vin Imports used cloud analytics solutions to identify which accounts or locations were not ordering more product, so their sales team could visit these accounts to ask for orders directly.


Cloud analytics involves applying analytic algorithms against cloud data in order to recognize patterns and uncover insights. These tools are utilized by businesses for competitive advantages, scientific discoveries, or improving lives in general. As businesses generate increasing amounts of data throughout their operations, using cloud analytics allows them to manage this efficiently.

Traditional methods for data storage required organizations to store their information locally on physical servers with limited storage capacities and limited processing power, which required significant time for any analytic process. Cloud analytics offers enterprises a solution by moving their data storage needs onto remote servers with ample processing power for faster, scalable results.

Cloud Analytics’ scalable nature makes it the perfect solution for businesses seeking to streamline their data-related processes and deliver actionable business intelligence to all stakeholders. By providing teams access to unified data from multiple systems and applications, it helps break down departmental siloes that may impede collaboration or decision-making – and also offers the possibility of providing tailored business insights tailored specifically for different departments.

Cloud-based analytics solutions offer affordable cloud storage while providing organizations with access to pre-built advanced analytics and AI/ML models for real-time predictive modeling and forecasting, helping improve customer service while simultaneously increasing operational efficiency.

Cloud analytics enable businesses to collect, integrate and analyze their data at its source for improved business intelligence as it comes in to increase transformation and innovation while simultaneously cutting costs by taking advantage of cloud infrastructure for analytics rather than investing in in-house systems and IT resources.


Cloud analytics provide businesses with numerous advantages beyond cost savings, including greater flexibility. Data is stored on remote servers that can be accessed securely using any device connected to the internet from any location – making collaboration easy among teams that may not share a physical office building – especially beneficial when companies adopt remote work models.

Cloud analytics also gives companies more control in how data is analyzed, making this software capable of creating models to automatically detect specific patterns or relationships within datasets, which is ideal for detecting anomalies and improving efficiency of processes like customer purchases. An organization could use one such model to detect trends to better target marketing efforts.

Cloud analytics’ versatility enables all users to easily access and analyze information without requiring expert knowledge – an advantage over legacy business intelligence tools that often require the assistance of IT specialists. Non-technical users are empowered with information to make decisions for their business and take appropriate actions without technical expertise being needed; additionally, this approach can reduce silos between departments by sharing a single set of data across departments.

Cloud analytics’ flexibility enables organizations to adapt their infrastructure as necessary. If demand surges unexpectedly, for instance, using cloud analytics allows businesses to rapidly deploy additional hardware without incurring extra expenses; conversely, decreasing computing needs when demand drops can save businesses a considerable amount of money.

Due to all these advantages, more companies are turning to cloud analytics solutions. But companies must remember that not all cloud analytics solutions are created equal – companies should research available options in order to determine which solution best meets their needs; for instance, companies using NetSuite as their ERP should look for a cloud analytics solution integrated with it in order to avoid having two separate systems to manage.


Cloud analytics systems enable businesses to connect multiple data sources to one platform and present them in various forms such as charts, visualizations or text for non-technical users to understand and act upon business insights without needing extensive IT support – freeing up time for IT teams to focus on other projects.

Cloud analytics solutions offer significant cost-savings over traditional on-premises solutions by eliminating hardware purchases and maintenance fees, providing more secure storage of sensitive data, and supporting compliance with industry standards.

Many cloud analytics systems feature various data connectors to seamlessly bring new information from various data repositories into their systems, from databases or warehouses to sensors and IoT devices – helping businesses make faster, more accurate decisions faster.

Cloud analytics can improve employee productivity in any business by giving employees access to all the data they require, enabling them to more easily recognize patterns and trends that can help optimize processes for greater profits, break down silos and foster collaboration across departments – for instance Tri Vin Imports used cloud analytics to identify bottlenecks in their sales process and pinpoint which accounts or locations weren’t placing additional orders – in turn solving that issue and improving profits.

Cloud analytics offer many advantages for companies with multiple data centers around the globe. By seamlessly integrating data across various platforms, cloud analytics can improve data consistency while decreasing operational costs. ThoughtSpot’s cloud-native integration platform enables businesses to connect to any repository and move it between cloud environments without manual steps or coding – this simplifies modernizing enterprise data architectures while simultaneously deploying top-of-class analytics solutions.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.