How Tall Was The Trojan Horse?


The Trojan Horse is one of the most iconic symbols in history, immortalized in literature and film. But how big was this wooden horse? In this article, we will take a look at the historic evidence to answer the question: how tall was the trojan horse? We’ll look at archaeological records, ancient texts and even artistic renderings from classical antiquity to get an idea of its size. Get ready for a deep dive into the history of this legendary siege weapon!

What was the Trojan Horse?

The Trojan Horse was a large, wooden horse that the Greeks used to trick the Trojans during the Trojan War. The story goes that the Greeks pretended to sail away from Troy, leaving the horse as a gift for the Trojans. The Trojans, thinking that the horse was a gift from the gods, brought it into their city. That night, Greek soldiers hiding inside the horse came out and opened the gates of Troy, allowing the rest of the Greek army to enter and destroy Troy.

How tall was the Trojan Horse?

There are conflicting accounts of how tall the Trojan Horse was. Some say that it was as tall as a 3-story building, while others claim that it was only big enough to fit a few men inside.

The most common belief is that the Trojan Horse was around 30 feet tall. This would make sense, as it would need to be large enough to fit soldiers inside, but not so large that it would be impossible to move.

However, there is no way to know for sure how tall the Trojan Horse was. The only thing we can do is speculate based on the available evidence.

How Tall the Trojan Horse Really Was?

There are a few different estimations for how tall the Trojan Horse really was. The most common estimation is that it was about 30 feet tall. Another popular estimation is that it was about 43 feet tall. And yet another estimation says that it was about 60 feet tall. So, which one is correct?

Well, the truth is, we don’t really know for sure. The ancient text that tells the story of the Trojan Horse doesn’t give us an exact measurement. All we know is that it was big enough to fit a large number of soldiers inside of it.

So, how did these different estimations come about? Well, the 30 foot estimation is probably based on the fact that most horses are around 6 feet tall. So, if you multiply 6 feet by 5 (the number of horses pulling the Trojan Horse), you get 30 feet.

The 43 foot estimation probably comes from the fact that ancient Greek statues were often around 8 or 9 feet tall. So, if you take 8 feet and multiply it by 5 (again, the number of horses pulling the Trojan Horse), you get 40 feet. And then if you add a few more feet for the height of the actual horse itself, you get 43 feet.

Finally, the 60 foot estimation probably comes from the fact that ancient Greek temples were often around 60 feet tall. So, if you take 60 feet and divide it by 5 (the number of horses pulling the Trojan Horse), you get 12 feet. And then if you add a few more feet for the height of the actual horse itself, you get 60 feet.

So, as you can see, there is no exact answer for how tall the Trojan Horse really was. All we know is that it was big enough to fit a large number of soldiers inside of it.

The Purpose of the Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse is one of the most iconic symbols of Greek mythology – but what was its purpose? In Homer’s epic poem, the Iliad, the Trojan Horse is a giant wooden horse that the Greeks use to sneak into the city of Troy and win the ten-year war. But why did they need such a big horse, and how did it help them win the war?

There are many theories about the Trojan Horse’s purpose, but the most likely explanation is that it was used as a psychological weapon. The Trojans were terrified of the Greeks’ huge army and their powerful ships, so the Greeks used the Trojan Horse to make them think that they had given up and gone home. When the Trojans saw the giant horse outside their city walls, they thought it was a peace offering from the Greeks and dragged it inside. That night, Greek soldiers hiding inside the horse snuck out and opened the city gates for their army, which had been hiding nearby. The Greeks then sacked Troy, ending the war.

So while we may never know exactly why or how tall the Trojan Horse was, we do know that it was an important part of one of history’s most famous battles.

Why was the Trojan Horse so important?

The Trojan Horse was a large, wooden horse that was used by the Greeks to trick the Trojans into letting them into their city. The Trojans thought that the horse was a gift from the Greeks and that it would be used to help them win the war. However, the Greeks had hidden soldiers inside of the horse and when night fell, they snuck out and opened the gates of Troy, allowing their army to invade and eventually destroy Troy.

The Aftermath of the Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse was a legendary object from the Trojan War. After the Greek army sacked the city of Troy, they built a huge wooden horse and left it outside the gates of Troy. The Trojans thought it was a gift from the Greeks and brought it inside their city walls. That night, Greek soldiers hiding inside the horse climbed out and opened the gates to let in the rest of the Greek army, who had been hiding nearby. The Greeks destroyed Troy, killing many people and enslaving others.

The Trojan Horse is one of the most famous stories from ancient Greece. It is often used as a symbol of deceit and trickery.

How did the Trojan Horse help the Greeks win the war?

The Trojan Horse is one of the most famous stories from Ancient Greece. In the story, the Greeks pretend to sail away from Troy, leaving a giant wooden horse as a gift. The Trojans are thrilled with the gift and drag it into their city. That night, Greek soldiers sneak out of the horse and open the gates of Troy, allowing the rest of the Greek army to enter and destroy the city.

The Trojan Horse is a symbol of cleverness and deception. The Greeks used their intelligence to trick the Trojans and win the war.

What happened to the Trojan Horse after the war?

After the war, the Trojan Horse was taken to Rome as a victory trophy. It was eventually destroyed, most likely by fire.


The size and height of the Trojan Horse has been a source of debate among scholars for centuries. Despite its mythical reputation, it is likely that the Trojans constructed an enormous wooden horse to transport their troops into Troy. Although there are no definitive records documenting the exact measurements of the horse, most experts agree that it was probably at least 20 feet tall. Regardless of its actual dimensions, one thing remains certain – the Trojan Horse was a powerful symbol of deceit and deception in ancient Greece and played an important role in ending the ten-year war between Troy and Greece.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.