What Is The Trojan Horse?


Are you curious about the ancient Greek legend of a sneaky horse that brought down an entire city? Or are you concerned about modern-day cyber threats that bear the same name? Either way, welcome to our blog post on “What is the trojan horse?” We’ll explore the origins, meaning, and types of trojan horses in history and technology. From clever deception to malicious software, this Trojan has left its mark on human society for centuries. So buckle up and join us on this fascinating journey through myth and reality!

Origins of the Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse is a tale from the Trojan War about the subterfuge the Greeks used to enter the city of Troy and win the war. In the story, the Greeks built a giant wooden horse and hid a group of soldiers inside it. The Greeks pretended to sail away, leaving the horse as a gift for the Trojans. The Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a trophy of their victory over the Greeks. That night, however, the Greek soldiers emerged from inside the horse and opened the gates to let in their compatriots, who had been hiding outside the city. The Greeks then sacked Troy, ending the war.

There are many different interpretations of where this story originated. Some say that it was first told by Homer in his epic poem The Iliad, while others believe it was a folktale passed down orally for generations before being written down. There is no way to know where this story originated, but its enduring popularity means it has become an essential part of our cultural heritage.

What is the trojan horse?

The Trojan horse is an ancient Greek legend that tells the story of the siege of Troy. In the code, the Greeks pretend to sail away from Troy, leaving behind a giant wooden horse as a gift for the Trojans. The Trojans take the horse into their city as a victory trophy. Unbeknownst to them, Greek soldiers are hidden inside the horse, and when night falls, they come out and open the city gates, allowing the rest of the Greek army to enter and sack Troy.

The Trojan horse has become a symbol of deceit and trickery. It often describes situations in which something seems harmless or beneficial but hides a danger. For example, someone might refer to a new piece of software as a “Trojan horse” if they believe it will secretly damage their computer.

The history of the trojan horse

The trojan horse is a legendary story from the Trojan War in which the Greeks pretended to have abandoned their camp and left a great wooden horse as a peace offering. In reality, the horse was full of Greek soldiers who snuck into Troy at night and opened the city gates, allowing the rest of the Greek army to enter and sack the city.

The trojan horse has become a symbol of deceit and trickery and is often used in political rhetoric to describe sneaky or underhanded tactics.

How does the trojan horse work?

Regarding computer viruses, the trojan horse is one of the most well-known. This type of virus gets its name from the Greek story of the Trojan War, in which the Greeks gave a giant wooden horse to their enemies, the Trojans, as a peace offering. However, inside the horse were Greek soldiers who destroyed Troy.

In computing, a trojan horse is a type of malicious code or software disguised as something benign or desired to trick users into installing it. Once installed, the virus can perform various negative actions, from stealing data to corrupting system files or even providing backdoor access for hackers.

The benefits of the trojan horse

The Trojan horse is malware that allows attackers to access a computer system by disguising itself as a legitimate application. Once installed, the Trojan horse can steal sensitive information, install other forms of malware, or allow remote access to the infected computer. Despite its name, the Trojan horse is not always related to the ancient Greek story; it gets its name from how it tricks users into installing it.

While the Trojan horse can be used for malicious purposes, there are also some legitimate uses. For example, some businesses use Trojans as a network security strategy. By placing Trojan on an employee’s computer, they can monitor and restrict what that employee can do on the network. This can prevent data leaks or limit employees’ access to specific resources. Similarly, parents may use Trojans to monitor their children’s activity online and ensure they are not visiting inappropriate websites or sharing personal information.

Depending on its use, the Trojan horse can be a helpful and harmful tool. While it is essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with this malware, we should also remember its potential benefits.

The drawbacks of the trojan horse

Malicious individuals or groups often use the trojan horse to gain access to a computer system. Once the trojan horse is installed on a system, it can be used to steal information, install additional malware, or even take control of the system. While the trojan horse can be a powerful tool for attackers, some drawbacks should be considered.

First, the trojan horse is only sometimes effective. Antivirus software often detects and removes the trojan horse before it can cause any damage. Users can also take steps to protect themselves from trojan horses, such as only downloading files from trusted sources and avoiding clicking on unfamiliar links.

Second, even if the trojan horse is not detected and removed, it may still be unable to perform its intended function. This is because the code of the trojan horse may need to be better written or updated. As a result, the attacker may not be able to gain access to the system or steal any information.

Third, using a trojan horse can also put the attacker at risk of being caught. If an attacker is discovered using a trojan horse on a system, they may face legal penalties. Additionally, their reputation may suffer if their true identity is revealed.

The trojan horse can be a valuable tool for attackers, but some significant drawbacks should be considered before using one.

How to use the trojan horse?

The trojan horse is malicious software that is disguised as a legitimate program. When the trojan horse is installed on a computer, attackers can gain control of the system. Trojans can be used to steal personal information, install other malware, or even take control of the entire system.

To use the trojan horse, the attacker must first find a way to get the Trojan onto the victim’s computer. This can be done through email attachments, downloads from untrustworthy websites, or by exploiting security vulnerabilities. Once the Trojan is installed, the attacker can control it remotely to gain access to the system.

Where did the trojan horse come from?

The trojan horse is a historical legend that tells the story of the fall of the city of Troy. According to the legend, the Greeks built a giant wooden horse and hid inside it. The Trojans brought the horse into their city as a gift, not knowing it was full of Greek soldiers. The soldiers then snuck out of the horse at night and opened the gates to the city, allowing the rest of the Greek army to enter and destroy Troy.

The trojan horse story is probably based on an event during the Siege of Troy. Evidence shows that a giant wooden horse may have been used in warfare then. However, whether or not there was an actual trojan horse is still up for debate.

The Trojan Horse Today

The Trojan Horse Today

Today, the term “Trojan Horse” is used to describe any malicious software that is disguised as something harmless. This type of software is often used to steal information or damage a computer system. Trojans can be spread through email attachments, websites, or instant messaging programs.

How to Protect Yourself from the Trojan Horse?

You can do a few things to protect yourself from the trojan horse:

  1. Be sure to keep your antivirus software up to date. Antivirus software will help to detect and remove trojan horses from your computer.
  2. Be cautious when downloading files from the internet, especially if you need to become more familiar with the website or the file itself. If you think a file may be infected with a trojan horse, do not download it.
  3. Avoid clicking on links in emails or instant messages from people you do not know.

If clicked, these links could contain a trojan horse that would infect your computer.


In conclusion, the Trojan Horse is a well-known computer security concept that has existed since the first computers were created. It continues to be an ever-present threat in today’s interconnected world and should not be taken lightly. Knowing what it is and how it operates can help protect you from becoming vulnerable to these malicious programs. Educating yourself about cyber security threats will help ensure that your data remains safe and secure.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.