What Is A Next Gen Firewall?

Does Avast Free Have A Firewall
Does Avast Free Have A Firewall

Introduction to next-gen firewalls

A next-gen firewall is a physical or software-based appliance that uses advanced security features to protect networks from sophisticated attacks. Next-gen firewalls can inspect traffic at multiple layers, including the application layer, to identify and block threats. In addition, next-gen firewalls typically include features such as intrusion prevention, malware protection, and web filtering to protect network resources further.

What is a firewall?

A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. Firewalls can be hardware- or software-based and are often used with other network security measures, such as intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), anti-malware software, and encryption.

When traffic attempts to flow into or out of a secure network, the firewall examines the data packet’s headers and compares it against its predefined set of rules. If the rule set allows the data packet, it is forwarded to its destination; if not, it is dropped. In this way, firewalls can help prevent unauthorized access to a network and protect sensitive data from being intercepted.

Next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) offer additional features and capabilities beyond traditional firewalls, such as deeper inspection of data packets, application-level control, user identity management, and more. NGFWs can provide high protection for modern networks against sophisticated attacks.

What is the next-gen firewall?

A next-generation firewall (NGFW) is a type of firewall that offers advanced security features beyond those of a traditional firewall. NGFWs are designed to protect against a wide range of attacks, including those that exploit vulnerabilities in applications and operating systems. In addition to the features offered by traditional firewalls, NGFWs also provide the following:

  • Application-aware analysis and control: NGFWs can examine traffic at the application layer and identify and control individual applications. This allows administrators to allow or block specific applications rather than just allowing or blocking all traffic from a particular IP address or port.
  • Intrusion prevention: NGFWs can detect and prevent attempted attacks before they succeed. This includes preventing known attacks and detecting suspicious activity that may indicate an attempted attack.
  • Content filtering: NGFWs can filter content based on keywords, phrases, or other criteria. This can block malicious or unwanted content, such as spam emails or websites containing viruses or malware.

The benefits of a next-gen firewall

When protecting your business, a next-gen firewall is a powerful tool. Here are some of the benefits of using a next-gen firewall:

  1. Increased security: A next-gen firewall provides increased security by inspecting all traffic and blocking malicious traffic before it reaches your network.
  2. Improved performance: A next-gen firewall can also improve network performance by reducing the traffic that needs to be inspected.
  3. Enhanced visibility: A next-gen firewall can give you enhanced visibility into your network traffic, allowing you to identify and fix problems.
  4. Easier management: A next-generation firewall can also make it easier to manage your network security, as they often come with intrusion detection and prevention features.

The Different types of next-gen firewalls

Next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) are a type of firewall that has been designed to address the network security challenges of the modern enterprise. NGFWs combine traditional firewall features with advanced features such as application control, intrusion prevention, user and entity behavior analytics, and URL filtering.

There are four main types of next-generation firewalls:

  • Stateful inspection firewalls
  • Unified threat management appliances
  • Network intrusion prevention systems
  • Web application firewalls

Stateful inspection firewalls are the most common type of NGFW. They inspect each packet that comes into the network and compare it against a set of rules to determine whether or not it should be allowed through.

Unified threat management (UTM) appliances are NGFWs that provide comprehensive security features in a single appliance. UTMs typically include stateful inspection firewalling, intrusion prevention, antivirus, anti-spam, content filtering, and web filtering.

Network intrusion prevention systems (NIPS) are NGFWs that focus on detecting and preventing attacks at the network layer. NIPS use signatures to identify known attacks and anomalies to block them before reaching their intended target.

Web application firewalls (WAFs) are NGFWs that protect web applications from attack by inspecting incoming traffic and blocking malicious requests. WAFs can be deployed before an entire website or individual web applications.

The features of a next-gen firewall

A next-gen firewall (NGFW) is a type of security appliance that provides network security, application security, and user control. It consolidates multiple security functions into a single platform to simplify management and ease deployment.

NGFWs use a variety of techniques to inspect traffic and identify threats, including Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), Application Firewall (AF), and User Firewall (UF). They also offer advanced features like content filtering, data loss prevention, and web filtering.

NGFFs are designed to protect against various threats, including viruses, worms, Trojans, phishing attacks, spyware, and other malware. They can also help prevent data leaks and unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Why do you need a next-gen firewall?

As the name suggests, a next-generation firewall is designed to address the shortcomings of traditional firewalls. By incorporating features like intrusion prevention, application control, and user identity management, next-gen firewalls provide a more comprehensive approach to security.

Here are some of the benefits of using a next-gen firewall:

  1. Better protection against sophisticated attacks: Next-gen firewalls include features like intrusion detection and prevention (IDPS) and application control, which traditional firewalls lack. This makes them better equipped to deal with sophisticated attacks that target specific applications or vulnerabilities.
  2. Improved visibility and insight: Next-gen firewalls generate detailed reports on activity passing through the firewall. This information can be used to identify potential threats and take appropriate action.
  3. Granular control over users and devices: User identity management features in next-gen firewalls allow administrators to granularly control access to network resources based on who the user is and what device they are using. This is an essential consideration in today’s BYOD world.
  4. Easier to manage: The centralized management consoles of next-gen firewalls make them much easier to manage than traditional firewalls, which often require manual configuration changes. This can save significant time and effort for busy IT teams.

How to choose the best next-gen firewall for your business?

When choosing the next-gen firewall for your business, there are a few things you need to consider. Here are a few tips on how to choose the best next-gen firewall for your business:

  1. What are your specific needs?Before shopping for a next-generation firewall, it’s essential to sit down and assess your specific needs. What are the specific threats you’re looking to protect against? What is your budget? Answering these questions will help you narrow your options and choose the best next-generation firewall for your business.
  2. Compare features and price:Once you know what you need, you can compare the features and prices of different next-gen firewalls. When doing this, you compare apples to apples – some vendors may include features in their base package that others charge extra for. In general, you want to look for a next-gen firewall with robust security features priced within your budget.
  3. Read reviews:One of the best ways to get an unbiased opinion on a product is to read online reviews. When reading reviews, pay attention to positive and negative comments – sometimes, the most helpful feedback comes from people who have had bad experiences with a particular product. In addition, make sure you read reviews from independent sources (such as blogs or online forums) rather than just the vendor’s website.


A next-gen firewall is an essential tool for modern businesses. It provides advanced security features, such as deep packet inspection, access control lists, and URL filtering, that can protect your network from malicious attacks. Additionally, it can monitor employee activity and enforce company policy while allowing legitimate traffic to pass through unharmed. By leveraging the power of a next-gen firewall, you can protect your organization against the latest cyber threats.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.