CCleaner Website on the Blacklist of Microsoft


Microsoft has chosen to reverse its choice to add CCleaner to a blacklist, preventing it from being published at the Microsoft Community Forums, on the official software website:

Earlier this week, a list of locations that were listed on black in community forums was provided to Microsoft community moderators. The software of Microsoft will substitute them with four asterisks (****), if consumers post connections to such locations in the forums.

As shown below, the blacklist included the website

Microsoft Rolls Back Decision

A source familiar with the issue said that the CCleaner was initially banned because of Microsoft’s overall attitude towards registry cleaners and system optimizers.

Microsoft long kept the view that Windows Registry cleaners or system optimizers are not supported since they have a history of causing problems for the runners and many can be seen as scams.

“Microsoft is not responsible for issues caused by using a registry cleaning utility. We strongly recommend that you only change values in the registry that you understand or have been instructed to change by a source you trust, and that you back up the registry before making any changes.”

While CCleaner had its own share of disputes[ 1, 2, 3], it always has a great reputation as both a registry cleaner and system optimizer and was well-liked by its client base.

It was thus a surprise that Microsoft chose to prohibit its domain on Microsoft forums.

The same source yesterday informed that Microsoft decided to remove this ban and would enable the recommendation of CCleaner in the forums again.

It is not known what made them pedal their choice and whether it had anything to do with Microsoft, Avast, or Piriform communication.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.