How to Fix an Unexpected Store Exception Error in Windows 10?

windowsstopcodeunexpected store exception
windows stop code unexpected_store_exception

In Windows 10, did you get a “Unexpected Store Exception” error? Learn how to diagnose and resolve the issue.

It’s aggravating to experience a blue screen of death (also known as a stop code issue), in which your computer unexpectedly quits. We will assist you if you experience the Windows 10 Unexpected Store Exception error, especially if you don’t comprehend the situation.

This issue has nothing to do with the Microsoft Store, contrary to popular belief. Instead, we’ll teach you how to troubleshoot this error and figure out what’s causing an Unexpected Store Exception on Windows 10.

While Windows 10 is incredibly reliable when compared to previous versions (Windows Me, anyone? ), it is far from bug-free. Any computer system, including Windows, can crash or fail from time to time. This is frequently accompanied by a blue screen of death for most Windows users (BSOD).

The unexpected store exception error is an example of a BSOD issue with a difficult-to-decipher term. Sadly, there is no one or clear explanation for this type of BSOD. If you’re having trouble fixing an unexpected store exception error in Windows 10, consider the following solutions.

What Causes A Windows 10 Unexpected Store Exception Error?

It’s not easy to figure out what causes a BSOD issue, but unexpected store exception errors are frequently caused by hardware failures, such as a failing hard drive or graphics card, or by other critical hardware components in your PC, such as your system memory.

Hard drive failures have been reported as one of the most common reasons of this problem in support forums, Reddit, and elsewhere. However, hardware failures aren’t usually the reason of this warning; in many cases, other users have theorized that big system or driver updates are to blame.

There are some basic repairs you can try before replacing your PC, whether it’s a hardware issue or a software dispute. We’ve gathered a list of remedies for you to try below.

Examine Your Computer’s Hardware

  1. An unusual occurrence in the store Although the cause of BSOD isn’t always clear, as we’ve already discussed, hardware failures are one of the most common causes online. These is why, if you’re getting problems like this, you should first examine your system hardware.
  2. To see if this is the case, look for faults on your hard drive. If that’s the case, get your files backed up as soon as possible, since if your system drive fails, you’ll be left trying to recover files from a dead drive, which is a difficult operation that will almost certainly fail.
  3. Don’t forget to test the rest of your system as well. This BSOD problem can also be caused by graphics cards and system memory, therefore check for faulty memory with programs like memtest and test your graphics card with applications like FurMark.

Scan for System Files That Have Been Corrupted

  1. If you’ve double-checked your hardware and are certain there are no flaws or problems, an unexpected store exception error could indicate another possibility: corrupted system files.
  2. From an elevated PowerShell terminal or command line, you can rapidly test this using Windows’ built-in system file checker (sfc) tool. The techniques below use PowerShell to accomplish this, but they will also work with cmd.
  3. By right-clicking the start menu and selecting PowerShell, you may open a PowerShell window (Admin). To start the scan, launch PowerShell and run sfc /scannow and press Enter.
  4. It will take some time for Windows to scan your computer. The sfc utility should automatically address any issues it finds, but you may need to accept any prompts before the procedure is complete.

Use the Check Disk Utility to see if your hard drive is in good shape.

  1. The chkdsk utility is another good tool to attempt, especially if the sfc command reveals no abnormalities. chkdsk, like the system file checker program, lets you scan your system drive for faults.
  2. If you think that minor faults with your hard drive are generating these BSODs, you should run chkdsk, as it can often assist to correct your file system, bypass faulty sectors, and more. You can run chkdsk with admin credentials from a PowerShell or command line window, just like sfc.
  3. To do so, right-click the start menu and select PowerShell (Admin) from the menu that appears. To schedule a scan, run chkdsk /r in the PowerShell box, then press the Y key to confirm.
  4. The chkdsk programme operates as a boot scan, which means you’ll need to restart your computer and allow it scan your hard drive before Windows opens up to verify there are no conflicts. If any problems are found, chkdsk should correct them and restart Windows automatically once the process is finished.

Check For Updates To Windows And Drivers

  1. System incompatibilities can also be caused by obsolete drivers or software, resulting in BSODs. If your PC is displaying unusual store code exception errors, you should check for Windows updates and any available driver updates for your hardware.
  2. Important fixes and enhancements for your PC are frequently included in Windows software and driver updates, which can help you avoid BSOD problems like these. From the Windows Settings menu, you can check for both Windows and driver updates.
  3. To get to this menu, right-click the start menu icon and select Settings from the drop-down menu. To begin downloading and installing any available updates, go to Update & Security > Download (or Download and Install) from here.
  4. You may also need to check manufacturer websites for more recent upgrades, particularly if you’re using NVIDIA graphics cards (or comparable manufacturers), which have more frequent driver updates.

Windows 10 can be reset or reinstalled

  1. If you’ve exhausted all other options, a last-ditch attempt to reset or reinstall Windows might sometimes resolve underlying issues with your system configuration that you weren’t able to diagnose previously.
  2. Unlike previous versions of Windows, you may now rapidly restore default settings without having to perform a full disc wipe and reinstallation (although this option does remain available).
  3. To reset Windows, right-click the start menu and select Settings from the menu that appears. Click Update & Security > Recovery > Get started from the Settings menu.
  4. You have the option of keeping your files (click Keep my files) or wiping your hard disc and starting again (click Remove everything instead).
  5. Windows will begin the reset procedure once you’ve selected your decision. You may be asked to accept or approve more steps, but once the procedure is complete, many of the more common issues should be rectified.

Common BSOD Errors in Windows 10 and How to Fix Them

Don’t be alarmed if your PC displays an unexpected store exception error. You should be able to get Windows back up and running (in most circumstances) by following the procedures above. Other BSODs, such as a Windows halt code memory management BSOD problem caused by memory issues, can be fixed using similar procedures.

If you’re having trouble troubleshooting a BSOD error, you might want to look for and examine BSOD dump files first. However, there are situations when there are no straightforward solutions and only restarting Windows 10 can solve the problem (other than replacing your hardware). A fresh installation takes time, but if you don’t have any other options, it can be the best approach to fix your computer.

Question from a user:

How can I fix an unexpected store exception error message?

On my HP Pavilion G6 computer, I’m also getting the same issue.

The notebook arrived with Windows 7, which I upgraded to Windows 8 for college using the Microsoft website. I upgraded to Windows 10 after receiving the message, and now I’m getting this issue. I’ve even looked all over the internet for an answer and haven’t found anything.

When I start my computer, I receive this notification, but it resets and the computer boots up perfectly.

UNEXPECTED STORE EXCEPTION is a bug that has to be fixed.

The value of the UNEXPECTED STORE EXCEPTION bug check is 0x00000154. This indicates that an unexpected exception occurred in the kernel memory store component.


Hello, I’ve been receiving the UNEXPECTED STORE EXCEPTION BSOD a lot when I use my laptop, especially when watching videos. I’ve run a system file check, memtest, and chkdsk, but the problem still exists. I’d be grateful if someone could assist me in analysing the dump file!

Unexpected Exception in the Store

My 14-month-old Dell XPS has been crashing with the blue screen of death in recent months, with the message ‘Unexpected Store Exception.’ I’ve also discovered that this only occurs when I use Microsoft Edge.

After speaking with Dell support and running a series of tests, the hardware appears to be working properly. However, because it’s usually over the original 12-month support period from purchase, and I don’t have extended support, they’re requesting a significant fee to look into the situation further and specifically check software diagnostics.

After researching forums, it has been suggested that the computer be reset and Windows 10 reinstalled. This, however, always fails.

I’ve also read that McAfee LiveSafe could be a contributing factor to the initial issue that I’m experiencing — is this true?

Unexpected Store Exception (BSOD)

I started getting the Unexpected Store Exception BSOD about a month ago. After the crash, I may not be able to access my D drive (an HDD) until I pack up and resume again. On the other hand, no files on my D drive were ever corrupted. I took it to a tech store after trying several things and failing to repair it myself.

They checked all of the hardware and informed me that there was no physical problem with my laptop. It appeared to be operating after they deleted my C drive (SSD) and reinstalled Windows 10 on it.

For a few months, everything was good, but in the last two days, I’ve noticed a lot more lag, where I can hear a noise from my disc drive and everything on my laptop freezes for a second or two. I noticed the same thing with my first issue, so I wasn’t shocked when it crashed again with the same problem.

I’m assuming anything updated on my SSD is causing the BSOD because it’s just been a few days since it started showing troubles. I disabled Windows Defender and got a unique antivirus software instead because the most recent update was a Windows Defender update. I’m seeing less issues and hearing fewer sounds, but I’m still seeing some latency, which I assume is related to the difficulty because it wasn’t lagging before.

I was all set to open the Minidump file from yesterday’s crash and run it through the Windows debugger, the results of which I’ve included below:!ApNnjOj3Q-yWg5NHuEFS1OQCXqwneQ?e=4SqALR

I’m not sure how to interpret the results, and I was hoping someone could tell me what the problem was. Because I ran both chkdsk on my C: and D:, and thus the memory diagnostic tool and zip were incorrect, I’m hopeful that uninstalling Windows Defender fixed the problem. I’ve also looked at both drives with CrystalDiskInfo, and it claims they’re both fine.

If you have any more solutions to share, please do so in the comments area below.

Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas is the Co-founder and Chief Business Development Officer at Cybers Guards. Prior to that, She was responsible for leading its Cyber Security Practice and Cyber Security Operations Center, which provided managed security services.