Microsoft ends Windows Phone support in December 2019

Microsoft support ends

After December 2019, Microsoft will no longer provide free security updates or hotfixes to Windows 10 Mobile and recommends that users go to Google Android or Apple iOS.

Just a reminder for those still using Windows Phones: on December 10, 2019, Microsoft ended support for the Windows 10 Mobile platform. That’s just over two years since Microsoft released Windows 10 Mobile 1709 in October 2017, its latest version of Windows Phone.

End of support means no more free hotfixes or security updates, as Microsoft frequently asking questions ( FAQ) on its Lifecycle Support page. This applies to all Windows 10 Mobile versions, including Enterprise.

This Mobile end- of- support date for Windows 10 is known for at least one year, however Microsoft also revealed in a support notice updated this week that it will continue to support device backups for settings and some unnamed apps until 10 March 2020. Some services, such as the photo upload and restoration of a device from an existing backup, “can continue to work for a further 12 months from the end of the support,” added officials.( Thanks to The Verge for highlighting the 10th of March.)

If you’re looking for a recommendation from Microsoft on what to do next, the unlikely- to- arrive Andromeda dual- screen pocketable device won’t wait.

Microsoft recommends that users go to Android or iOS instead. In an interesting rationalization based on its corporate catchphrase, Microsoft says “With support for Windows 10 Mobile OS, we recommend that customers move to an Android or iOS device that is supported.

Microsoft’s mission statement to empower every person and organization on the planet to do more compels us to support our mobile apps on those platforms and devices.” Microsoft decided to leave the phone market for a while, but now is the time to move on, Windows Phone’s holdouts.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.