Step By Step Patch Management Process Flow

Patch Management Metrics

Step By Step Patch Management Process Flow- How To Gain Support For Patch Management Through A Process Flow Chart

Patch Management Process Flow

  • Create a current inventory of manufacturing systems (OS types, IP addresses, physical location etc)
  • Plan to upgrade all production systems to the same OS and application software version.
  • Make a list of all security measures in place.
  • Compare the inventory and control list to the reported vulnerabilities.
  • Assess dangers, weaknesses, and the likelihood of an attack.
  • Place the patch on the affected area.

Patch management can be a difficult procedure, especially when you know it’s important but your boss doesn’t agree. We at ITarian understand your challenges and want to help you overcome them. While you should explain what it is and how it is done to the executives, a flow chart can occasionally be useful. We created a graphic to help others understand the advantages of patching, which can include the following:

  • Closing loopholes to lessen threats
  • Being more productive during the workplace by staying up to date with patches that are deemed required
  • There’s no need to stay late or arrive early (less overtime paid)
  • Having more secure networks and computers

Learn Patch Management Process

Patch management isn’t something you can set and forget, and you have to stay on top of it. Our product automates the most time-consuming portions of your business, allowing it to run more smoothly. Our diagram can assist CEOs and others in understanding the significance of the situation and the steps that must be taken:


You’ll make a list of all information systems at this point, which could include:

  • Servers
  • Applications
  • Databases
  • Desktops/Workstations
  • Other Networking Equipment


You will find all of the available vulnerabilities throughout all of the systems at this level (which can be made more helpful with an inventory). You should also consider:

  • Determine which systems are the most susceptible.
  • Details concerning the vulnerability are revealed.


Do you have a policy and procedure in place for the process? You’ll need one if you don’t already have one. If this is the case, you may need to make a change.


Patching could help if you have more viruses and worms than before.


The amount of effort and work required by your IT staff will be directly proportional to the flow of your system.

Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas is the Co-founder and Chief Business Development Officer at Cybers Guards. Prior to that, She was responsible for leading its Cyber Security Practice and Cyber Security Operations Center, which provided managed security services.