Convert Text into Normal Onenote Shortcut Mac

Convert Text to Normal Onenote Shortcut Mac
Convert Text to Normal Onenote Shortcut Mac

To get the most out of Microsoft OneNote, you’ll need to master all Windows and Mac keyboard shortcuts.

Microsoft OneNote is a popular personal information management (PIM) program that allows you to organize your notes into one digital notebook. Clippings from the web, images, movies, audio recordings, scribbles, and much more can be included in these notes. In addition, you can organize your notes into sections and bind them with a notebook.

Convert Text into Normal Onenote Shortcut Mac

OneNote is a sophisticated tool with many useful features that may be accessed fast via keyboard shortcuts.

This collection of OneNote shortcuts for Mac and Windows 10 is extensive. Where applicable, separate parts for Windows and macOS shortcuts are included in the cheat sheet.

Microsoft OneNote Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac

Common Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + MOpen a new OneNote Window
Ctrl/Cmd + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl/Cmd + YRedo the last action
Ctrl/Cmd + ASelect all the items on a current page (to expand the selection, press the keys again)
Ctrl/Cmd + XCut the selected text or item
Ctrl/Cmd + CCopy the selected text or item to the clipboard
Ctrl/Cmd + VPaste the contents of the clipboard
Ctrl/Cmd + KInsert a hyperlink
Ctrl/Cmd + BApply or remove bold formatting
Ctrl/Cmd + IApply or remove italics formatting
Ctrl/Cmd + UApply or remove underline formatting
Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + 1…6Apply heading style from 1 to 6 of the current note
Ctrl/Cmd + PeriodBegin a bulleted list
Ctrl/Cmd + /Begin a numbered (sorted) list
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + NClear all the formatting applied to the selected text
Ctrl/Cmd + LLeft-align the selected paragraph
Ctrl/Cmd + RRight-align the selected paragraph
Ctrl/Cmd + OOpen a OneNote notebook
Ctrl/Cmd + TCreate a new section
Ctrl/Cmd + NCreate a new notebook page
Ctrl + Shift + GMove keyboard focus to the section list
Ctrl + GView the list of notebooks
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + TSelect the page title
Ctrl/Cmd + PPrint the current page
Page UpScroll up in the current page
Page DownScroll down in the current page
TabIncrease the indent by one level
Shift + TabDecrease the indent by one level
Ctrl/Cmd + 1Mark or clear the To Do tag
Ctrl/Cmd + 2, 3, 4, and 5Mark or clear the Important, Question, Remember for Later, and Definition tag
Tab key, after typing a new line of textCreate a table
Tab keyCreate another column in a table with a single row
Enter/ReturnCreate another row when at the end cell of a table
Ctrl/Cmd + Enter/ReturnInsert a row below the current row in a table
Alt/Option + Enter/ReturnCreate another paragraph in the same cell in a table
Shift + Enter/ReturnInsert a line break
Ctrl/Cmd + SSynchronize the current notebook
Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + LLock all password-protected sections
Windows Specific Shortcuts
Home / EndMove to the beginning or end of the line
Ctrl + Left / Right arrow keyMove one word to the left or right
Backspace / DeleteDelete one character to the left or right
Ctrl + Backspace / DeleteDelete one word to the left or right
Ctrl + Down / Up keyGo the next or previous paragraph
Alt + Shift + Right / Left arrow keyIncrease or decrease the paragraph indent
Alt + Shift + Up / Down keyMove the selected paragraph up or down
Ctrl + Shift + HHighlight the selected text
Ctrl + Shift + C / VCopy or Paste the formatting of the selected text
Ctrl + Hyphen (-)Apply or remove strikethrough formatting
Ctrl + Shift + Equals sign (=)Apply or remove superscript formatting
Ctrl + Equals sign (=)Apply or remove subscript formatting
Alt + Equals sign (=)Start a math equation or convert the selected text to math equation
Windows logo key + PeriodInsert emoji or symbol
Alt + Shift + Plus sign (+) / Minus sign (-)Expand or collapse an outline (you can selectively expand or collapse the outline at each level)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + NCreate a new subpage below the current page
Ctrl + Alt + MMove or Copy page to another location
Ctrl + Alt + GMove keyboard focus to the page list
Up or Down key / Ctrl + Page Up or DownAfter moving keyboard focus to the page list, press these keys to switch between pages
Ctrl + TabGo the next section
Ctrl + Shift + TabGo to the previous section
Alt + Shift + Up / Down keyMove the selected page tab up or down
Ctrl + Home / EndScroll to the top or bottom of the current page
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Plus sign (+) / Minus sign (-)Zoom in or out
Ctrl + Alt + A / SCreate or Stop the recording
Ctrl + Alt + PPlay the selected audio recording
Alt + Shift + DInsert the current date
Alt + Shift + FInsert the current date and time
Ctrl + Alt + RCreate a column to the right of the current column in a table
Ctrl + EOpen a search to search all currently opened notebooks
F9Synchronize all notebooks
F6Jump between the tab bar, navigation pane, and the page canvas
Left or Right arrow keysMove between the tabs on a ribbon (Home, Insert, Draw, and more)
Spacebar or EnterPerform the currently selected ribbon command (when the selection is over Navigation button, press Spacebar to enlarge the OneNote canvas)
Alt + Down arrow keyGo to the next note container
Ctrl + Shift + MInsert the author name and last modified time stamp
Windows logo key + Shift + SCopy a screen clipping to the clipboard
macOS Specific Shortcuts
Cmd + Left / Right arrow keyMove to the beginning or end of the line
Option + Left / Right arrow keyMove one word to the left or right
Delete / Fn + DeleteDelete one character to the left or right
Option + Backspace / DeleteDelete one word to the left or right
Option + Down / Up keyGo to the next or previous paragraph
Cmd + ] / [Increase or decrease the paragraph indent
Option + Cmd + Up / DownMove the selected paragraphs up or down
Ctrl + Cmd + HHighlight the selected text
Option + Cmd + C / VCopy or Paste the formatting of the selected text
Ctrl + Cmd + Hyphen (-)Apply or remove strikethrough formatting
Option + Shift + Cmd + Equals sign (=)Apply or remove superscript formatting
Option + Cmd + Equals sign (=)Apply or remove subscript formatting
Ctrl + Equals sign (=)Start a math equation or convert the selected text to math equation
Ctrl + Cmd + SpacebarInsert emoji or symbols
Ctrl + Shift + Plus sign (+) / Minus sign (-)Expand or collapse the outline (you can selectively expand or collapse outline at each level)
Cmd + N then Option + Cmd + ]Create a new subpage below the current page
Cmd + Shift + C / MCopy or Move page to another location
Ctrl + Cmd + GMove keyboard focus to the page list
Up or Down key / Cmd + Page Up or DownAfter moving keyboard focus to the page list, press these keys to switch between pages
Cmd + Shift + }Go to the next section
Cmd + Shift + {Go to the previous section
Cmd + Option + Up / Down keyMove the selected page tab up or down
Cmd + Up / DownScroll to the top or bottom of the current page
Cmd + Plus sign (+) / Minus sign (-)Zoom in or out
Option + Shift + Cmd + R / SCreate or Stop the recording
Option + Shift + Cmd + PPlay the selected audio recording
Cmd + DInsert the current date
Cmd + Shift + DInsert the current date and time
Ctrl + Cmd + L / RCreate a column to the left or right of the current column in a table
Cmd + Option + FOpen a search to search all currently opened notebooks
Shift + Cmd + SSynchronize all notebooks
F6Jump between the tab bar, navigation pane, and the page canvas (enable F1, F2 as standard function keys in System Preferences)
TabMove between the tabs on a ribbon
SpacebarPerform the currently selected ribbon command (when the selection is over Navigation button, press Spacebar to enlarge the OneNote canvas)
Press Fn TwiceStart dictation
Ctrl + Option + Cmd + LUse Smart Lookup


So, here are some of the most commonly utilized keyboard shortcuts for Onenote users. Of course, more OneNote shortcuts are available, but these are the most crucial ones to get you started. Apart from that, all of your usual text editing and navigation shortcuts will function while editing text.

For example, the Ctrl+arrow keys can assist you in moving word by word. You can also move to the beginning or finish of a line using the Home or End keys. So make use of these shortcuts to boost your productivity.

Convert words to OneNote FAQ: 

How do I convert words to OneNote?

Open the document or file you want to send to OneNote (for example, Microsoft Word for document files or a browser for web pages). Next, select the Print option in the application. From the list of printers, choose to Send to OneNote. Choose Print, and OneNote will open behind your application.

How do I get rid of superscripts in OneNote?

  1. In OneNote for Mac, you may make text superscripts and subscripts.
  2. Select the text to be superscripted or subscripted from the list.
  3. Choose one of the following options: Select Superscript from the Home menu. Alternatively, press + SHIFT + PLUS SIGN.
  4. Click the button or use the keyboard shortcut again to undo the formatting.

What is control K on a Mac?

Press the Control-K keyboard shortcut to delete text between the insertion point and the end of a line or paragraph.

User Question: In OneNote for Mac, how can I make a shortcut?

To add a keyboard shortcut, click the plus symbol. Then, in the Employment menu, select the Office for Mac software you wish to add a keyboard shortcut for (Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft Outlook).

With a regular keyboard, how can I switch between Windows and Mac?

You can also use the Command key to swap between windows. First, press Command-Tab; a pop-up will display, listing all of the apps that currently have windows open on your computer. To cycle through them, press Tab and then Command. When you’ve illuminated the bone you want to go to, release Command.

Is it possible to use a Windows keyboard on a Mac?

However, the process is straightforward if you want to utilize a Windows keyboard on your Mac. You may use almost any Windows keyboard as long as it connects to the computer via USB or Bluetooth.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.