Fxmsp Hacking Group claims 3 major American antivirus companies have been attacked


Fxmsp is a collective of Russian-speaking and English-speaking hackers, mainly aiming to provide highly protected networks with sensitive information from companies and government agencies.

The hacking group has been operating since 2017 and is known to target corporate and government networks around the world.

The hacker group has robbed ‘ source code relating to software development and offerings for sale and network access for more than 300,000 dollars, ‘ according to the new report published by Advanced intelligence LLC.

Fxmsp hacking

From 2017 and 2018, it promoted a range of data breaches on the dark web markets that it recently developed ‘ a credential-stabilization botnet that could infect high-profile targets to exfect

The hacking group has claimed to have hacked three antivirus firms and extracted sensitive source code from antivirus software, AI and security plugins from the companies since April 24, 2019.

They also commented on the analysis and efficiency of the software of the various companies, according to the AdvIntel report.

On the basis of the screenshot of the company Fxmsp, 30 terabytes of data were reported, extracted from the networks of antivirus companies and not revealing company names.

Fxmsp code

The group offered to sell the source code and network access to all three enterprises for’ over $300,000′ privately, Yelisey Boguslavskiy told Ars Technica,’ the folders seem to contain information about company development documentation and artificial intelligence model, web security software, and antivirus software.

Advanced Intelligence researchers claimed that antivirus infringement research has been their primary project in the past six months, “Fxmsp is a credible hacking community with a history of selling verifiable business breaches and a return of nearly US$ 1000,000 in profit.”

Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas is the Co-founder and Chief Business Development Officer at Cybers Guards. Prior to that, She was responsible for leading its Cyber Security Practice and Cyber Security Operations Center, which provided managed security services.