The 3Cs of Best (Comprehensive) Security

The 3Cs of Best (Comprehensive) Security


The 3Cs of Best (Comprehensive) Security – Comprehensive security models employees all available means to close all possible entryways into a system for attackers, including email and IoT devices, cloud networks and endpoints. It is imperative that every vector be covered as attackers constantly scan for vulnerabilities to gain initial system access before seizing control and creating disruption in order to cause their desired disruptions.

While it is technically impossible to completely eliminate risk and ensure data, comprehensive protections should strive for reasonable risk. This means focusing on measures which provide benefits which exceed costs without impeding critical business operations – this allows firms to innovate business tactics without significantly increasing risk. Cybersecurity provides firms with an invaluable competitive advantage – the 3Cs of Best Security help facilitate this goal.


As opposed to traditional point product solutions, consolidated solutions provide an end-to-end, single architecture for protecting IT attack surfaces. Consolidated platforms deliver preemptive threat prevention that seals security gaps as well as unified management and enhanced threat intelligence; this enables faster response times as well as providing improved protection from advanced attacks or undiscovered malware.

SIEM and XDR tools merely monitor and report on information; in contrast, consolidated solutions offer more proactive security by helping prevent attacks from ever taking place in the first place. Threat prevention technologies can include IPS, anti-malware software, DNS security services, threat intelligence sharing systems as well as total visibility systems that offer complete coverage over entire infrastructures.

By streamlining IT costs and streamlining tools and systems required for security management, consolidated platforms reduce IT expenses. This gives organizations more time, money and talent available for business expansion while simultaneously strengthening security posture. A consolidated solution also makes your organization more appealing when recruiting hard-to-find cyber talent.

Today’s threats are constantly shifting and becoming more sophisticated, which makes fast detection and response crucially important. But the sheer volume of mission-critical information can easily overwhelm SOCs, leaving analysts spending days, weeks or even months searching for false positives or missing key threats. A consolidated platform using machine learning automation enables analysts to focus on key issues while speeding detection and response times.

An alternative to point products which limit adaptability to new technologies, consolidated solutions can be modular and composable to allow the mix-and-match of capabilities for creating micro stacks for specific needs. With such flexibility you can add new functionalities as needed without altering your IT architecture structure.


Cybersecurity solutions rely heavily on collaboration among multiple entities. Collaboration reduces the chances that threat actors will infiltrate company networks, helping protect against costly data breaches and attacks, sharing resources and technology to avoid duplication of efforts, reduce expenses, and make advanced security technologies more cost-effective for smaller organizations with tight budgets.

Trust and open communication are cornerstones of successful cybersecurity collaboration. To build it, ensure all participants in the collaboration effort have clearly defined roles and responsibilities and regularly evaluate them against evolving cybersecurity threats and goals of collaboration. To maintain effective communication channels that offer real-time situational awareness.

Collaboration among cybersecurity vendors and partners can drastically speed up and enhance incident response times. By sharing timely threat intelligence such as indicators of compromise (IOCs), attack patterns, and emerging trends with each other, organizations can gain a more holistic view of the threat landscape and better defend against new and sophisticated attacks proactively. Furthermore, working together during an ongoing cyber attack helps mitigate its impact faster, restore infrastructure faster, mitigate impact faster. Such approaches may be supported through an automated alert aggregation and advisory sharing platform which provides real-time situational awareness while fostering collaboration between security teams.

Mark Funk
Mark Funk is an experienced information security specialist who works with enterprises to mature and improve their enterprise security programs. Previously, he worked as a security news reporter.