The purpose of this information collection tool is to extract Linkedin users based on the organization, job description and email address.
Multiple features
- TechSpy
- EmpSpy
TechSpy–Crawls Jobs LinkedIn for the technologies used by the supplier. It seeks to identify technologies by matching job descriptions with keywords in a new file.
EmpSpy–Crawls LinkedIn for staff working in the company provided. It searches for employees of a new line delimited file by title and/or departments. It is also possible to create emails for specified workers when the client sets an email format.
The tool published in GitHub two years ago and has been added to repo by Kali Linux 2017.3. We show you how to use InSpy for gathering information from Linkedin in this Kali Linux tutorial.
Working with InSpy
Clone the GitHub tool, if you use older Kali Linux version
git clone
The software consists of a wordlist with more than 300 job titles and TechSpy names LinkedIn for technologies.
The following control searches for cybersecurity profiles
python –empspy /root/In-Spy/wordlists/title-list-large.txt cybersecurity
To extract the list of email addresses corresponding to the business and domain name
python –empspy /root/In-Spy/wordlists/title-list-large.txt –emailformat company
List the profiles based on the technological specification
python –empspy /root/In-Spy/wordlists/tech-list-large.txt siem
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